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67Temp's 2022 planned pairings

I guess it's time to update this. A bunch of my young males weren't up to the task so they got replaced with their backups. The pairs in red haven't done anything yet and probably wont go this year.

1-(RRAL22) Amel het motley, anery X Ultramel anery motley (repeat pairing from last year) – 15 eggs
2-(CAPE22) Ghost het charcoal X Hypo pewter ph stripe (repeat pairing from last year)
3-(RUWI22) Amel het anery motleyX High white snow tessera (high white ERO line) – appears this virgin female didn’t like the male I had been trying the past 2 years. 5 minutes with another male and was locked. Waiting on eggs now.
4-(HAGO22) Miami Okeetee 66%ph amel? X Miami het amel – 15 eggs
5-(BFZE22) Bloodred Miami ph motley X Masque Miami het motley – 14 eggs
6-(RRCO22) Amel het anery motley X honey tessera ph amel, stripe – 14 eggs
7-(HHBE22) Masque caramel shatter Miami het diffused X caramel Miami het sunkissed, cinder -14 eggs
8-(SPFI22) Zombie motley het cinder x cinder zombie motley – 12 eggs
9-(SPSH22) Zombie motley het cinder x Zombie motley het cinder – 7 eggs
10-(OKOK22) Extreeme Okeete het amel X Okeetee – waiting for pre lay shed
11-(LUGD22) Extreeme Okeetee het amel x Gold dust ph motley
12-(HHCA22) Masque caramel shatter Miami het diffused X Masque honey het diffused – 24 eggs
13-(HAOR22) Super masque diffused honey Miami het cinder X Masque honey Miami het diffused 66%ph cinder
14-(HSSP22) Halo snow het hypo X Halo specter het amel – recently locked, questionable fertility
15-(KRKR22) Kunashir island Japanese rat X Kunashir island Japanese rat – prelay shed
16-(BRBR22) Bairds rat X Bairds rat – 5 eggs (one piped then drowned and 4 made it out), double clutched 5 more eggs
17-(??LY22) Unknown X amel het motley – retained sperm from last year. 5 eggs
18-(CKCK22) calking het hypo X reverse stripe cal king - currently laying
I'm absolutely sure that most people would be shocked at how challenging it can be to get a particular pair to produce eggs. You still have very nice pairings, even with backups. Not everyone could pull that off.

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The 4 bairds have shed and all took their first 2 f/t offers.

Pair 12 is out and all are honey het cinder with varying degrees of masque and diffused.

Pair 7 just started to pip.

Sent from my E6810 using Tapatalk
Awesome! I do love honeys. Also that bairds rat snake is just lovely. Are they kept the same as corns?
Yup they are very similar to corns. The hatchlings were maybe 2-3g larger than my normal corn hatchlings. My adults and baby bairds seem to be very mellow with an occasional tail rattle but no mucking or defensive bites. I keep them the same temps as my corns.
Pair #14 laid 18 good eggs so I guess the young halo snow male was fertile.

Pair #6 has has hatched out and was really weird. The dame proved to be het strip but not het amel. What should have been basically a het motley X tessera het motley yielded 5 normals, 5 motleys, and 5 motley tesseras. Strange to have 2/3 visuals on a het to het pairing, and also that I got no normal tessera's without motley.
We're clearly in need of pictures of these babies [emoji6] . You did get an unexpected outcome, didn't you? That can be fun and/or frustrating. Goes to show that odds are just odds. Sometimes the long shot wins the race.

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I'm so interested to see pairing 14's babies! They are a beautiful couple [emoji4]

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What beautiful babies!! I don't see a single one who's not simply lovely.

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Thank you to both of you! That second picture they are both honeys het cinder. The lighter one on the right has a single copy of masque while the one on the left doesn't.
The pattern of the honey het cinder on the left is fun.

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Honeys in general are very pretty, but adding that het cinder makes them even better. A friend of mine has a honey het cinder and it's a gorgeous yellow and gray.
I've never seen a honey het cinder in person. Sure do think they're lovely in photos, though!

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It's pretty interesting to see how the het cinder with visual sunkissed reacts. The ground color, pattern, eyes, and head stamp are all affected by it. It's even more wild mixing in diffused and masque or super masque.
Educate me, please! What changes do you see in the eyes of the het cinders?

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