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Recent content by 02CETA24

  1. 0

    still wont eat help!

    its been two weeks since bugs last ate and still cant get him to eat. What should i do?
  2. 0

    Very agressive

    Yesturday i went out and bought a tree for both my corn snakes. When i put the tree in the cage they seem to love it and wont get off of it. I have a snow named pinky and the other one is an orange one named buggsy aka bugs. today i tried to move pinky off bugs so i could try to feed him again...
  3. 0


    I have two corn snakes and its feeding time for both. My snow corn snake took the food pretty well but my other wont eat. What should i do to encourage it to eat and is there something wrong? He is also sleeping a lot lately should he be sleeping a lot? Its got me worried.