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Recent content by 2manysnakes

  1. 2

    Help id babies please

    I think you are right in that. With the poss het cinder and palmetto lightening them up. I'm still lost on that one light one though. It will end up staying here and see how it grows up.
  2. 2

    Help id babies please

    Mom and Dad. Dad is the lighter one.
  3. 2

    Help id babies please

    Some of the rest of the litter
  4. 2

    Help id babies please

    Here are a few more of the last one with different lighting. Yes no red eyes either so can't have amel. Maybe hypo too? But it's not listed as a pos het for the parents.
  5. 2

    Help id babies please

    Thank you!
  6. 2

    Help id babies please

    I'm hoping you guys can help me ID some of these. I have a pair of multi hets that just had babies and I am trying to figure out what they are. Parents are normals 100% het palmetto, sunkissed, caramel Pos het amel, cinder and anery. I'll try and keep the pics labeled but is is only 7 of the 18...
  7. 2

    baby pictures!

    Pics of some of the latest hatchlings. These represent the three color types coming out of this clutch. The mother was an Anrey A, but we don't know who the father was (mother was gravid when we got her). Anyone want to take a guess at what we have? We have a few ideas ourselves. Possible...
  8. 2

    Being pregnant and having snakes

    We currently own 28 snakes (41 if you include the new hatchlings). I am 13 weeks pregnant with my 4th child. I am very protective of my babies, and wanted to know if there are any illnesses, diseases, or infections that could be transmitted to my developing baby from the snakes. I have tried to...
  9. 2


    Very excited, our first clutch has started to pip. One little nose (possibly anrey) is sticking out. I will have pictures soon, just waiting for a bit more to see. I can't believe my first time with eggs, and they are hatching at day 63, and only a few don't look so good. How exciting!!! :crazy02:
  10. 2

    Can a male be too large to breed?

    I have searched through the posts, for an answer, but have only found discussions on whether or not the male is big enough. I have a 625 gram male and a 725 gram male. We thought they were gravid females when we got them because of size and what looked like swelling above the cloaca. We had them...
  11. 2

    Is this egg a lost cause?

    This is from the clutch laid 8/5/07. The egg with the dent in it has gone soft, although it did start to firm up(still with a dent) after a few minutes with the lid off. Is it still viable, or should I take it out? Thanks.
  12. 2

    We have eggs!!!!!!!!

    I am sooooo excited. I have been checking my snakes every morning and every night waiting for eggs. This morning I decided to wait until time to clean out the bins after church. I was just going through them and was thrilled to find this in Dorri's lay box! YEAH! The one that looks a little...
  13. 2

    premature eggs?

    I did a search to find info, but didn't get anything helpful. My poor little carmel (too young to breed, and she was gravid when I got her) has laid 3 small slugs. She doesn't seem eggbound, but I am not sure. Could these eggs have been premature? I have 8 other gravid females that have not laid...
  14. 2

    first egg layed

    So, I was right and the very young Bella was indeed gravid. This morning I was going through and cleaning all the bins, and found an egg in her water dish. I hope she is done, and that I didn't disturb her too much if she isn't. Pretty sure this one is a slug, but I am very excited that more are...
  15. 2

    snake owner/tatoo poll

    I have noticed that most of the snake owners I have met, also have tattoos. I have one, and my hubby has three. Just wanted to know if my theory that most snake owners also have tattoos. This should be interesting. Please vote, and tell us how many.