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Recent content by ArpeggioAngel

  1. ArpeggioAngel

    The Snake World has lost another friend

    I received a call today from the daughter of Mike Blickendorfer (mbdorfer here on the forum) that he passed away last night in his sleep. Newer members won't remember him as he has been out of snakes for a few years now, but those of you who have been around as long as I have will remember him...
  2. ArpeggioAngel

    Daytona 2013 Pics!

    Picture time! Going to take more than one post to get these all in here... In no particular order... Leachie! Leachie closeup - love their eyes. Heck, I love all gecko eyes! Rich Hume peach bloods - pics do not do the color on these guys justice: Rich Hume pied side bloodred tessera -...
  3. ArpeggioAngel

    News Article about Python Challenge and more

    A bit torn on this story...nice to see them not portray all snake keepers as crazy, but still don't like what is going on with the "Python Challenge". http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/python-challenge-inside-world-florida-snake-hunters-093354584--politics.html
  4. ArpeggioAngel

    The Other "New" Baby

    So you already met our newest addition - our new puppy Tucker. And most of you already know the rest of our furry family - Roxy the rottie and our other cats, Gabriel, Bailey and Kiska. But I hadn't been on the site much if at all when I picked up this little girl.... For two years I worked at...
  5. ArpeggioAngel

    Warning - Cuteness Overload!

    So we finally got our new puppy this past Saturday thanks to a rescue in Chiefland, Florida. Tucker is an 8wk old male american bulldog/gsd cross. He already got to meet Nanci with Ella and Bella and is settling in at home now with our furry pack of cats and one dog. Loving, mellow little guy -...
  6. ArpeggioAngel

    Catahoula Leopard Dog

    Been a long time folks... hope all my old friends here are doing well. The last two years have been quite a ride for me which is why I haven't been around. Lost a job, got a new job that required me working crazy hours, snake collection reduced greatly due to horrible finances etc..... Finally...
  7. ArpeggioAngel

    Thayeri and Mex-Mex Available

    Due to financial situations I am having to part with more animals. I hate to let these go as it took me a long time to find the ones I wanted for future breeding projects, but don't really have a choice at this point. I have a pair of thayeri - one amazing deep orange female that actually has a...
  8. ArpeggioAngel

    Updated list of available animals

    I apologize in advance, but pics for these animals are going to be hard to get right now. I just don't have a lot of time to spare. I will also advise that some of these animals are small for their age. Many have been on maintenance diets for a while now due to my financial situation which is...
  9. ArpeggioAngel

    Pretty Amazing Capture

    Click the link for the photo - story posted below the link. Blew my mind! http://news.yahoo.com/giant-crocodile-captured-alive-philippines-134625838.html MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Villagers and veteran hunters have captured a one-ton saltwater crocodile which they plan to make the star of a...
  10. ArpeggioAngel

    A Day at Disney With Good Friends

    So after Daytona, Carol and Heather stayed in town a few extra days. Joe, Nanci and I took them to Disney for a day of fun. We spent part of the day at Animal Kingdom and part at Hollywood Studios. We had a lot of fun, rain and all. Here are some photos of our outing! Heather and Carol with...
  11. ArpeggioAngel

    Schedule for Daytona!

    Ok - so Daytona is FINALLY here! I know we have some people arriving today, some tomorrow and some on Saturday so here is a brief schedule of plans. Friday - Dinner at Red Robin about 6pm. Meet at the Homewood Suites (or at the restaurant - 5537 S. Williamson Blvd. Port Orange, FL 32128). If...
  12. ArpeggioAngel

    Other Snakes on the Downsize List

    '04 female honduran milksnake het albino - $75 plus shipping '06 female hybrid - she is an albino california kingsnake x hypo florida kingsnake het albino x anery honduran milksnake - $60 plus shipping I will try to get pics of these gals tonight or tomorrow. Please PM me for more info.
  13. ArpeggioAngel

    Must Downsize!! MORE PHOTOS ADDED 8/4/2011!!

    As much as it pains me to do this, I really really really need to downsize my collection. I keep saying I need to or I am going to, but until now have not followed through on it. With my new job - I have less time and less money than previously and the snakes are the ones suffering because of...
  14. ArpeggioAngel


    LINK- DINNER TICKET INFO I am in the process of getting things organized for the dinner/raffle part of our evening. I have a call in to Pizzeria Uno's for the pricing/menu options for this year, but I need to get an approximate head count of how many people will be joining us for dinner. What...
  15. ArpeggioAngel

    Arizona 2010 Trip -Finally!

    Now that all my computer/hard drive/camera issues are resolved I am finally getting around to editing photos from last fall and this spring. That includes pics from my trip to Arizona last September. While there I visited the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum, the Phoenix Zoo, Tombstone, drove the...