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Recent content by ascottlaw

  1. ascottlaw

    Whole collection must go

    13 corns in need of a home. Females: striped snow; butter motley;ghost; normal het hypo, lavender, diffused; lavender, Males: golddust, Ultramel (likely het caramel), striped Amel x 2, phantom, normal with lots of hets, These are all adults. I am moving to a location where I cannot have...
  2. ascottlaw

    Rubber Boas

    Is anyone here interested in a rubber boa?
  3. ascottlaw

    Are past breeders changing their plans this year?

    For those you have bred in the past: Are you planning to breed more, less, or about the same this year?
  4. ascottlaw

    2005 Okeetees 1.1

    Proven unrelated pair of Okeetees. $175+Shipping
  5. ascottlaw

    Lavender hatchlings (ones a Lavender Bloodred)

    I'd appreciate any thoughts on whether or not the bloodred is expressing hypo. Here, in person, he looks lighter than the others, but since he shed the difference is not as pronounced.
  6. ascottlaw

    Amel Bloodred x Golddust offspring

    First are the parents: a female amel bloodred and a male golddust. Only two hatchlings made it, both appear to be female: An ultramel and an amel.
  7. ascottlaw

    Reminder to Check Flexwatt Sometimes

    Tonight I found that a section of flexwatt had overheated and melted a hole in one of my bins. No harm to the snake and only a little heat damage to the rack, but it got very hot. From the heat mark it looks like a small patch of element about 2 inches in diameter overheated. All the other...
  8. ascottlaw

    Unexpected Hatchlings - Murphy Smiles

    I paired my male triple het Bob with my ghost Samantha in order to use his hypo and bloodred genes to work toward ghost bloodreds. His other het that I knew about was lavender. The babies started to pip two days ago. Happily, Bob turns out to be het for anery as well. So far, with 5 babies...
  9. ascottlaw

    New babies

    Here are some new additions. The first two are a Butter Motley and a Phantom from SMR. The third and fourth photos are a pair of lavenders (female, then male) I produced this year.
  10. ascottlaw

    hom. bloodred?

    These pictures are of a recent hatchling that should be a bloodred. As you can see, it has the grey head, and other than the first inch or two, there are no belly checkers. Is it possible that this is simply a very strong expression of a bloodred het, or just a weak example of diffusion? There...
  11. ascottlaw

    Murphy Strikes

    Here's the final tally for the 3 clutches I have this year: My Hypo/Lavender/Bloodred het laid 18 good eggs on 5/24. They all look good. My ghost, which I bred to the male triple het from the pair above, laid 15 eggs on 6/21. I'm pretty sure 13 are good. My okeetee pair (Abbot's x Love's)...
  12. ascottlaw

    Got a new camera, had to take some pictures

    Molly, '06 Amel Bloodred Dusty, '06 Goldust Buddy, '06 Ultramel '07 Lavender Sweetheart '06 Normal
  13. ascottlaw

    pied bloodred photo request

    I've been trying to find photos of juvenile bloodreds that are just starting to show signs of being pied. I'm not looking for pied sided, but the random white spots. I just had one shed and he has a couple of white spots left where he used to have normal pigment. Does anyone have any photos...
  14. ascottlaw

    she's not a she- just venting

    I thought my female amel strip was big enough to breed to my golddust. Since she is possibly het for caramel, the hope was to work toward striped goldust and butters in two or three generations. Turns out she had a hemipenis pop out when she tried to mate with the golddust. So much for the...
  15. ascottlaw

    okee x okee vs. okee x ultramel

    My pair of okeetees are ready to breed. I'm sure they will produce some nice offspring. The female of the pair is possibly het for amel. I also have an '06ultramel male with nice borders that is at the lower end of being big enough to breed. I'm thinking about trying for ultramel okeetees to...