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Recent content by beautifullywild77

  1. beautifullywild77

    National POW/MIA

    Today is National POW/MIA Recognition Day. Please take a moment today to remember our nation's prisoners of war and those missing in action. You are not forgotten. All gave some but some gave all!!
  2. beautifullywild77

    September 11, 2001

    Please take a moment and remember those that lost their lives, their love ones and their friends.
  3. beautifullywild77

    60th anniversary of Korean War Armistice

    Korean War 1950-1953 This year marks the 60th anniversary of the end of the Korean War. Thought I would share a few pictures of the memorial in Washington D.C. (I didn't take this pictures) http://www.nps.gov/kowa/index.htm
  4. beautifullywild77

    New Mexico is great place for...

    the Zombie invasion LOL http://www.newscastic.com/news/new-mexico-is-the-best-place-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse-728042/
  5. beautifullywild77

    Oldest Jemez Salamander

  6. beautifullywild77


    I have a stalker named Bill ! You know who you are ! I absolutely hate YOU ! He keeps hanging around my house, despite my best efforts to get rid of him . I think he likes me ! When I finally get rid of him , he keeps coming back . I think he loves me ! He comes in many forms ...Telephone Bill...
  7. beautifullywild77


    Wow, Some interesting stuff here! DID YOU KNOW? 1. Budweiser beer conditions the hair 2. Pam cooking spray will dry finger nail polish 3. Cool whip will condition your hair in 15 minutes 4. Mayonnaise will KILL LICE, it will also condition your hair 5. Elmer's Glue - paint on your face...
  8. beautifullywild77

    Enchanted Desert 2013 Babies!

    Well 5 out 10 babies have shed... First here is Cookie (named after Matt Cooke). This one has a small tail kink and will stay with me. Here is # 6 Here is #1 Here is #2 And Last #10... He wanted to eat my face, fingers, camera, feeding deli, paper towel but not his pink LOL
  9. beautifullywild77

    Meet Purdy..

    I had to pick her up. She has a "freckle" in about the same place as Piglet.
  10. beautifullywild77

    Another one I just have to share...

    This spoke to my heart in so many ways. TqFaiVNuy1k&feature=player_embedded
  11. beautifullywild77

    Thought I would share...

    C6f_FvZpm3g .
  12. beautifullywild77

    Armed Forces Day

    President Harry S. Truman led the effort to establish a single holiday for citizens to come together and thank our military members for their patriotic service in support of our country. To all our Military, serving and Veterans, we thank you on this Armed Forces Day. ARMED FORCES DAY...
  13. beautifullywild77

    My Little Fleury has a lot of furry...

    It was feeding time and he couldn't wait to be put down to start eating. He thought that nice little piece of skin between my thumb and finger was gonna be good eaten... He even tried to go into a death roll. Looks so vicious in this one! This one shows he has a mouth full of my fattiness...
  14. beautifullywild77

    10 years ago today....

    I remember where I was... Do you? Thank you for all those who served or are serving this Great Nation. I love my Veteran.
  15. beautifullywild77

    Teach your children how to shoot...

    wZE-EDGw2vo This is awesome. I bet she has proud parents. Both my children know their gun safety as well as how to use a firearm. This girl is amazing.