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Recent content by CAV

  1. CAV


    The record for the most hurricanes to form in a season is officially tied. Hey Mike, time to break out the ol' hurricane poster and..... "Pucker up Buttercup!" :licklips:
  2. CAV

    I finally beat Murphy!!

    Last clutch of the season just hatched. Both parents were first year breeders so the clutch was only 6 eggs. All of them weathered the storm and hatched last night. The mother was an Amel Motley, het Butter and the father was supposed to be just a Caramel but first visible nose proved that...
  3. CAV

    Nice surprise to come home to after being on vacation

    At least this one didn't lay them in her water bowl right after I left for a week. ;) The mother is an Amel Mot, het Butter and her partner in crime is a Caramel, het ???. Should be an interesting clutch.
  4. CAV

    Riddle: What's white and green, took four years to create, and used to be priceless?

    Answer: My Striped Opal, het Hypo clutch! :dancer: She just couldn't resist the urge to lay 'em while I was out of town. There were 15 eggs total. A few looked like they might have a shot, the rest were clearly doomed. Now I'm just living for the slim chance that the one in the middle might...
  5. CAV

    Look who's having a birthday....

    Happy Birthday, Clint! :cheers:
  6. CAV


  7. CAV

    2005 Breeders make first public appearance

    Well the forum is a little dead right now so I'm getting kind of bored. Here are a few selected photos of some rookie breeders for this upcoming season: (Makes it sound like I'm putting together a fantasy league team for Corns.) :rolleyes:
  8. CAV

    Clint's volcano

    Hey Clint, are you guys having volcano parties up there tonight? Looks like she's ready to blow again. How far away is Helen from you?
  9. CAV

    Double clutch

    On the very day that the first egg from clutch #1 hatches, I find nine more with Mom. This wasn't planned and she looks horrible. I really hope that she'll pull through. :(
  10. CAV

    Something different: E. c. cenchria

    I'm feeding everyone and snapped a few pics of my Brazilians.
  11. CAV

    Texas - First big show of the year (Aug 28-29)

    If anyone is in the area, there's a show this weekend in Austin. This is shaping up to be one of the better shows of the year, with 40 vendors already scheduled to attend. Link to Austin show
  12. CAV

    Just when you think you've seen everything. Conjoined Twin Butters

    I just finished hatching a clutch of thirteen eggs from a 0.1 Butter and a 1.0 Amel Mot, het Butter. Since yesterday, 12 of the 13 eggs hatched. (8 Butters and 4 Amel hets). I slit the remaining egg this morning and returned several hours later to find quite a surprise. The hatchling's head...
  13. CAV

    Snowing in Texas

    I didn't get my first clutch of eggs until June. But with the season's first show just 2 weeks away, I finally have something to sell! :dancer: Five of five from a first year female.
  14. CAV

    Tales of the Okeetee

    I moved the Okeetee pics to the Photo Gallery.
  15. CAV

    Shipping/show supplies vendor

    Shows are coming up and I need to place an order for cups and stuff. Does anyone have a vendor they would recommend for deli cup display racks? Has anyone ever use Superior Enterprise in CA??