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Recent content by Cornsnake124

  1. Cornsnake124

    Just my luck..........

    Well, im going around my hatchling tubs with water and pinkies because its feeding night, and i find two snakes dead for no apparent reason...... one of which was one of the 4 survivors of my hatching problems. (just search it in my threads, you'll find it) I dont get what i did wrong... they...
  2. Cornsnake124

    My first non-eater.....

    Well, I just had my first non-eater. Its an adult that I just bought. Its already had a meal and yes, I gave it a week and quarantined. I think it was fed in a feeding tub, which I do. The first time I set it on the top of a spare water bowl and left it in the viv. The next morning, the rat was...
  3. Cornsnake124

    New arrival is HERE!!! (worrying myself silly need reasurance)

    The snake is HERE!!! looks good, will post pics later. But she doesn't move very much :( she just isn't moving fast... isn't exploring her cage, didn't go accross the floor, etc. She slithers through my hands some, but not very fast. is there something seriously wrong with her other than being...
  4. Cornsnake124

    To late for brumation?

    I am getting a new female for breeding this year, and I have not gotten her yet because of terrible weather conditions on both sides of the process. So when i get her is it to late to put her into the cold? (and yes i know that you don't NEED to brumate to breed)
  5. Cornsnake124

    30 gallon OK?

    Would a 30 gallon tank be OK for an adult instead of a 20? Its only about 6 inches longer than the 20 and i would be getting it at a cheaper price than the 20 because they really want to get rid of it, and it has a sliding lid. But I'm not quite sure that it would be the right size. So, I...
  6. Cornsnake124

    Christmas photo contest poll: HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS

    Here is the voting for the home for the holidays category. 1. 2. 3.
  7. Cornsnake124

    Christmas photo contest poll: HOLIDAY HERPS

    Here is the christmas photo contest voting for holiday herps: 1. 2. 3.
  8. Cornsnake124

    "Moderator Campaign "Speech"" reply (of sorts)

    Since I am running for mod (but i don't expect to win mind you), I have decided to make a little speech, similar to what Robbie did. (hence the "reply") I will list my views on hot button issues of the forums. Trolls: I think that if said troll was proven beyond repair, a perma-ban should be...
  9. Cornsnake124

    Some People... (rant!)

    I am now completely fed up all of the vegans, vegeterians, (and peta for that matter) and everyone else who is telling me that "you need to go veg to save the planet. there are children dying when they could be eating the food that the animals such as cows eat!" I'm tired of everyone saying that...
  10. Cornsnake124

    Yet another name needed thread...

    and this one has nothing to do with snakes! i need some opinions on what to name this Soon to be show heifer. She was born in march, and is, like i said, a heifer. (girl)
  11. Cornsnake124

    wanted: adult female almost any morph

    Hi. I am looking for an adult female over 3 years old because my female needs a rest this year, so i am looking for a female to take her place. I would prefer the snake under $150. Thanks for looking!
  12. Cornsnake124

    Breeding 3 years in a row?

    Should i give my female a year off? i dont have any other females to use though, and i want to produce some hatchlings this year. She will HAVE to be bred next year because that is when my amel het anery male will be ready. So what should i do? :shrugs:
  13. Cornsnake124


    i was filling up water bowls today and i found that one of my cages didn't have a hachling in it!. IT is in my rack, and i dont see how he could get out! what should i do? could he still be in the back of the rack?
  14. Cornsnake124

    My collection

    I decided to try out my new video camera and video my whole collection. Here it is: UyBUFzQgaD8
  15. Cornsnake124

    How do i embedd youtube videos?

    i have tried several times. How do i do it? :shrugs: