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crackerhead's latest activity

  • crackerhead
    crackerhead replied to the thread Land snails.
    I believe you are going to have to look locally, within your state, because it's illegal to transport many types across state lines. If...
  • crackerhead
    crackerhead replied to the thread Dark Charcoals.
    This may have already been address but, have you noticed a difference in melanin saturation based on sex?
  • crackerhead
    crackerhead replied to the thread Dark Charcoals.
    They are lovely and so saturated. It would be fun to see them in a side by side comparison with the Black Diamond snakes. What do their...
  • crackerhead
    crackerhead replied to the thread Single scales dropping.
    Very odd. I've never had an animal lose individual scales that didn't also have some type of trauma. As in, nose rubbing or wounds...
  • crackerhead
    crackerhead replied to the thread Gemini - diprosopus corn.
    WoW! How cool is he? It would be amazing if you could get an x-ray of the underlying anatomy. I have a friend that owns a two distinctly...
  • crackerhead
    crackerhead replied to the thread New here.
    As noted above, they don't need any lighting because they are nocturnal. The lighting will be more for your viewing pleasure than it...
  • crackerhead
    crackerhead replied to the thread New here.
    Great choice for the age. At 6 months they should be well started. You might still have to feed in a smaller enclosure to start though...
  • crackerhead
    crackerhead replied to the thread New here.
    Welcome! It's nice to see you are researching care BEFORE you acquire your corn snake. You didn't specify the age of the animal you are...