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Recent content by crackerhead

  1. crackerhead

    Land snails

    I believe you are going to have to look locally, within your state, because it's illegal to transport many types across state lines. If you are not asking about the very cool African Giant land snails or Apple Snails, etc., then MorphMarket has a section devoted to snails both aquatic and land...
  2. crackerhead

    Dark Charcoals

    This may have already been address but, have you noticed a difference in melanin saturation based on sex?
  3. crackerhead

    Dark Charcoals

    They are lovely and so saturated. It would be fun to see them in a side by side comparison with the Black Diamond snakes. What do their bellies look like? I'm looking forward to seeing the offspring.
  4. crackerhead

    Single scales dropping

    Very odd. I've never had an animal lose individual scales that didn't also have some type of trauma. As in, nose rubbing or wounds caused by squeezing through too small of a space. Even the cases of scale rot I have seen don't look like your pictures of the individual scale pieces. The IMG_0870...
  5. crackerhead

    Gemini - diprosopus corn

    WoW! How cool is he? It would be amazing if you could get an x-ray of the underlying anatomy. I have a friend that owns a two distinctly headed snake (Thelma and Louise) and he was able to get an x-ray performed. It was fun/educational to view the results. I'm fascinated by the fact that he is...
  6. crackerhead

    New here

    As noted above, they don't need any lighting because they are nocturnal. The lighting will be more for your viewing pleasure than it will be for the corn snake.
  7. crackerhead

    New here

    Great choice for the age. At 6 months they should be well started. You might still have to feed in a smaller enclosure to start though. That depends on how they were fed by the breeder and the personality of the snake. That is always a trial and error situation. Most tanks have a lip on the...
  8. crackerhead

    New here

    Welcome! It's nice to see you are researching care BEFORE you acquire your corn snake. You didn't specify the age of the animal you are getting. I mention that because it might have some bearing on sizes of everything, including overall habitat. Hatchlings are easily overwhelmed. So large...
  9. crackerhead


    Thank You!
  10. crackerhead

    Excited to be part of this group

    May I ask, is the Oct Expo you are intending to attend the Tinley NARBC in Tinley Park, IL? If so I live in the area and have attended from it's inception. It's a HUGE show and very crowded in October. If you can swing it, I'd recommend purchasing a VIP badge so you can enter before the swarms...
  11. crackerhead

    Older corn snake

    What exactly do you mean by "register"? As in Guinness World Records?
  12. crackerhead

    Weird "biting" behavior

    The behavior is commonly seen in king snakes and I like to call it "Tasting". It isn't really aggressive but more like an inquisitive poke and nibble to see if you're edible. lol When I see the behavior coming, I gently redirect the animal's head/attention. Now for the why all the sudden part...
  13. crackerhead

    Old Snake with Adhesion

    What "exactly" did the vet speculate the lump was caused by? Is it an infection, a burn, a benign growth, a tumor, etc.? When it "broke" did pus weep/ooze out? What was the cream the vet gave you? Did the vet offer antibiotics, oral or injectable? I agree with the approach the reptile shop owner...
  14. crackerhead

    SpiritSerpents 2024 pairings

    I raise chickens and quail and occasionally one of the older ladies will lay a rubbery/unshelled egg. Chronic soft shelled eggs are usually a calcium deficiency in birds but the occasional one is probably a hiccup in the shelling process. That said, I was curious as to their viability so I've...
  15. crackerhead

    Super Salmon Snow Corn Snake Genetics

    Barring any additional hidden genes (unknown Hets) you would get all Super Salmon Snows PH Motley.