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Recent content by Dahliasmom2012

  1. Dahliasmom2012

    Tanzanite and Una’s hatchlings

    A 6g B 6g C 7g D 5g E 8g F 6g G 6g H 6g I 6g The babies after first shed and feeding. H and I both tagged me getting weights. Impressive for such tiny things. I’m keeping baby E but will be offering the others up once they are established enough and I’ve been able to attempt sexing...
  2. Dahliasmom2012

    Miami teserra x fire babies soon (I hope)

    Waiting patiently for pipping. 16 eggs laid by Una (fire masque) and Tanzanite (possible Miami super tessera bred by Heather. Any day now. It’s killing me. Keep your fingers crossed we have exciting news soon. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Dahliasmom2012

    Link and Zelda eggs!!

    My first time breeding. I'm pretty pumped. She laid yesterday and although it looks like a bunch of slugs there seem to be 7 promising eggs. I'm using Pangea hatch in a Tupperware container. Since I'm going to breed Tanzanite when he's ready to test if he is a super tessera I thought I might...
  4. Dahliasmom2012

    Ash, Sunkissed Anery

    Last reptile show in Manchester NH I went with my next door neighbors and my 5 year old daughter. I was NOT going to come home with anything but my kid had other ideas and since there is hardly any corns at these things it seems, its balls to the wall, I didn't mind dropping 20 bucks on a cute...
  5. Dahliasmom2012

    Tanzanite, Miami Tessera

    Meet our new love! He arrived yesterday from Heather of Mystic Exotics. :) These are the only shots I snagged getting him settled but expect many more in the future.
  6. Dahliasmom2012

    Zelda and Link

    I will use this as Link and Zelda's official progression thread. Zelda has had a tough time adjusting but last feeding she was brave enough to go for it without us needing to leave her and the food in a dark spot for a few hours and although she chomped me today she is less frightened of...
  7. Dahliasmom2012

    ID of a snake please?

    co-workers sister has this hanging in her yard and driveway in ptown. It's making her nervous. Any idea what this is so we can set her mind at ease?
  8. Dahliasmom2012

    Gah. Joined the poo club.

    Mojo. Pooped. In. My. Pajamas. [emoji33] Took her out for a snuggle, she climbed in. I felt something very cool against my back and then the smell hit me like a truck. Holy cow. I had to shower and I might burn the jammies. It smelled like a dolphin died. Lol.
  9. Dahliasmom2012

    Striking babies.

    I have 2 more babies that arrived last week. I left them alone other than placing them in their homes after unpacking them for the week and yesterday got a quick weight on both and a small feeding in a deli cup for each. The weighing went fine but shortly after they each turned into hissing...
  10. Dahliasmom2012

    Una and Seven

    I swiped two fires from Heather ' s sale earlier in the month. I gave them their first small meal today and weighed them, they are so beautiful. Here is Seven And Una
  11. Dahliasmom2012


    Mojo got some fresh air with me on the porch briefly today. I was able to get some pictures of her odd dashes on her head. The marks look almost like someone wrote on her with a very fine tipped marker. :) I love my little Anery girl.
  12. Dahliasmom2012

    Apophis. My handsome little bloodred

    just wanted to share a picture of him. He is my little lovable ninja.
  13. Dahliasmom2012

    PVC cages or racks?

    I currently have Mojo in a 20L glass tank, Apophis is in a baby 10 glass until he gets bigger. My friend and I were looking at PVC cages, I am interested in them but I also was looking at snake racks for space saving. I only have 2 snakes currently and I like the look of the PVC, looking...
  14. Dahliasmom2012

    Find the hatchling...

    Apophis is part ninja. anyone else have tricky babies that like to find inventive hiding spots?
  15. Dahliasmom2012

    Is this a tick?

    Mojo has this tiny scale sized raised brown spot on her neck. It's so tiny it's hard for my 4 eyes to get a good look at. It is just a bit under where the closed cut from the cat attack in her previous home so I'm hesitant to poke at it incase it's something healing over from that. I did the...