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Recent content by Dale

  1. Dale

    Wine Cooler Ventilation

    Using a wine cooler for the first time to Brumate, 10 bottle model, very narrow, which leads me to believe that keeping it ventilated often will be necessary. I've read that some use air hoses, some simply open the door daily. I don't mind opening the door daily (if that is enough), being a...
  2. Dale

    WTB: Black Rats (females)

    My Leucistic Black Rats from SMR are finally ready to go this season and I am seeking an extra female or 2 to make some hets as well. Looking for females over 3.5'. Will consider morphs as well (white sided etc), but normals will do.
  3. Dale

    Lavender-Sunkissed hets & Coral Snows

    REAALY would like to find a 1.0 Lavender het Sunk (or vise versa), In the sub-adult-adult range. Also am in need of a Coral/Salmon Snow female (adult). Would settle for a striking Coral Ghost het for Snow.
  4. Dale

    My 2 Clutches - lots of genes..

    ..but not a whole lot of expression. Below is a side by side of 2 babies representing the 2 pairings from this season. Between the 2 pairings there were many genes at work as well as many possibles, but I am and have always been THE WORST at recognizing subtle visual morphs. Anything at work...
  5. Dale

    Snake O'the Day is HOT

    And at a pretty good price. I'd be all over it if it were a female. Not the brightest pinks for a Salmon Snow, a lighter variant, but damn nice just the same.
  6. Dale

    Let's Play - Name... That.... POOP!!

    2nd male I've seen this from in the past 2 months. Odd fatty looking deification. Go!
  7. Dale

    Fancy Mice Part Deux

    Well, a little while back, I confessed my new found affinity for "pretty mice" as a warped by product of breeding my own feeders. I had a problem finding anything other than albinos in my area. The local pet store did stock fancys (pieds), but males only and usually no more than one at a time...
  8. Dale

    Pied "High" Expression?

    I've been watching the Corn market very closely since late summer or so of last year. While not an eternity, during that time span, I have NEVER seen a high expression Pied for sale. I'd like to assume they exist. Is it simply that when they are produced, 99% of breeders out there toss them...
  9. Dale

    Snake'o the Day

    Interesting offer up @ SMR. A Caramel "het" adult female. Ok so that's not so interesting, but she comes with an option to buy and have her fertilized buy a male of your choosing (sans - Tess or Palm). Could be VERY interesting if the "hets" were known, but I dont think I see them spelled out...
  10. Dale

    Calling all Hog Owners..

    I have a coworker that owned a pair of hogs. I told him a while back I'd be interested in babies if he ever bred them. Well this week he decided to give them to me, an awesome pair of chubby little adult Westerns. Now I know next to nothing about Hog morphs, and these 2 are visibly different...
  11. Dale

    WTB Leuci' BR, Pied Persians and...

    Still in search of: 0.1 Cave Dwelling Rat 1.1 Leucistic Black Rats 1.1 Pied Persian Rats 1.1 Paraguyan or Suriname YT Cribos
  12. Dale

    Salmon Females - Worth the Trouble?

    As in trouble searching for highly expressed pink. I haven't given the pink sex/difference topic much thought... until now that I've put together a pair. Of course, I finally get them and the first thing I think of is how to improve my stock. From what I've seen posted, the males express the...
  13. Dale

    Cribo Eggs Today!

    My first Drymarchon clutch, after years of Indigos, my first venture into Cribos and my big girl is doing good work. 7 so far, 5 beauties and 2 slugs. Think she's got a few she's still working on. Loving these big, sandpaper coated gems.
  14. Dale

    My Lavender Ultra-Mot. ph Cinder

    This is my Hume Mystery girl courtesy of Tom T. She a Lav Ultra Mot ph Anery Cinder. Trying to prove out the Cinder right now with one of Jen's huge Upper Keys Cinder boys she generously donated for the project. She was VERY receptive upon introduction, but the boy wasn't quite ready to go...
  15. Dale

    Update on my Salmon Snows

    Took out my boy today to try and capture his colors. I didn't of course, but here he is. This is the Salmon Snow I grabbed locally a few weeks ago and picked up at Repticon. He'll be crossed with the female in pic #2 that should arrive next week. She's not the pinkest I've seen, but the...