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Recent content by danvega

  1. D

    New Year's Resolution Poll

    Just to preface, I think New Year's resolutions are just plain silly. Quit smoking, go on a diet, blah, blah, blah. Most of the time folks keep their resolutions for awhile and then they slowly fade back or away to those habits they tried to give up or take up. By the middle of the year, a...
  2. D

    Yearling ('06) Weights

    So I've been away for awhile, due to starting law school this past August. Anyways, welcome to all new members and what's up to all old members. Between briefing cases and being overwhelmed with all the school work, the free time I have for working with my herps is strictly devoted to feeding...
  3. D

    Head's Up: Iris MCB SS (Hatchling Tubs)

    So I'm expecting some hatchlings from various breeders shortly and I needed to obtain some more hatchling tubs. I prefer Iris over other brands and for previous hatchling tubs I have used MCB SS. The dimensions are:8 1/6" W x 13 9/16" L x 4 5/16" H These are perfect for hatchlings to...