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Recent content by DBLR78

  1. DBLR78

    I have a question for all my corn snake friends?!?!

    I am curious? Everyone on here knows about MIN's fight and mine but, I feel like MIN and I both have been ignored alittle! By a select few of you. I really dont understand why Min and my problems are problems between us and noone else! I feel Min has been ignored more then myself I can't tell if...
  2. DBLR78

    Looking for people from daytona!!

    I havent been on the site much lately but I met so many cool people in daytona and i know all of your names but can't remember all of your screen names on here so if you wouldn't mind helping me out and responding so I may add you to my friends on here and or facebook! THANK YOU! in advance for...
  3. DBLR78

    I need advice!!

    Me and my wife Minlynn rescued 3 corns that we were told were al 2 or 3 years old. We found out tonight we were lied to about their ages. Our oldest (Valdermort) is 6 and weighs 544 grams (Pinky) is 4 and weighs 156 grams and the youngest (Salazar) almost 4 years is 154 grams. They are all...
  4. DBLR78

    Just wanted to introduce myself!

    Hello all! My name is Matt I go by Dblr78.. I just wanted to say hello to everyone on here I am new to this. I have 3 corns and am hoping today to get a 4th. My wife is a member on here and talked me into joining as well. So once again HELLO and i hope to talk to ome of you soon. Hope everyone...