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Recent content by drizzt_19

  1. drizzt_19

    My newest addition from Havre de grace

    I was at the Havre de grace show in md last week and couldn't resist this little anery...The person who had him called it an anery something...I just considered him a good deal at $25...
  2. drizzt_19

    Since everyone asking

    The Family and I are fine...Here are some updated pics of Sage...
  3. drizzt_19

    I Can't believe this..

    I had this emailed to me yesterday. I can't believe people would actually use this product. Here is the email. Fw: EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO PET OWNERS!!! For those of us with animals......I recently had a neighbor who had their 5-year old German shepherd dog put down due to liver failure. The...
  4. drizzt_19

    Cornsnake Screen Saver 2nd Edition

    Anybody interested??? Credit will be given to all who share their pics...If you wish to share some pics, email them to me here...Don't forget to include your name/company name to receive credit for the pic... I would prefer the pics to be of good quality and prefer a natural type background...
  5. drizzt_19

    Finally arrived

    I just got my new kids in today...Here they are Pride - Male Normal het lava, bloodred, and charcoal (Petwer) Joy - Female Normal het lava, bloodred, and charcoal (Petwer) Now I just gotta play the waiting game...LOL...
  6. drizzt_19

    Newest additions from Jason B.

    here they are: 1. Virgo - Pastel Motley (Ghost Motley) (The old lady's baby) 2. ButterCream - Butter het Motley (My Favorite) and last but not least Dave - Amel het Butter Motley (Currently in shed) Thanks Jason!!!!
  7. drizzt_19

    Well here's my latest addition

    Finally after nine months of waiting my newest addition has arrived...Now it's time for the fun to begin... She weighs in at 7 lbs 3 oz and is 21 inches long...Her name is Sage Elaine and I tell ya she is the quietest baby on earth, for now anyhow...More pics to be posted at a later date...
  8. drizzt_19

    Newest Additions

    I just got these guys and gals in last night and thought they were such neat little critters...I figured I would post a pic and share their beauty... Ain't they just adorable...
  9. drizzt_19

    Alittle Christmas Present For Everyone...

    Okay, Now that I have your attention... The Cornsnakes Screensaver 1st Edition is complete...You can download it here... I hope you all enjoy it and remember it is freeware...So share it with your friends.... If you have any problems, comments or questions, please feel free to email me...All...
  10. drizzt_19

    Cornsnake Screen Saver

    I have a new program I have been playing around with and thought I see if anyone out there is interested in a screen saver featuring cornsnakes... I would really like to get some pics of all the morph's available but I need your help...Credit will be given to all who share their pics...If you...
  11. drizzt_19

    Some new pics

    I was taking some pics today and thought I would share... First up is my female amel het butter mot Second is my little male lav Third up is my little male butter Fourth up is my little male opal And last but not least is my girlfriends little precious, a female caramel het butter...
  12. drizzt_19

    Photo Test 2

  13. drizzt_19

    Need a little help here

    This is something new to me as I have never seen it happen before...I have a corn hatchling that has refused to feed since the day sfter I got her, no biggie there right, I mean I love working with non-feeders, usually have good success...However, I finally got her to take a pink head...
  14. drizzt_19

    Jason here is the pic you asked me for

    I just got this corn from Jason B...However we both are somewhat confused as to whether it is a butter or an amel...How about some help, you guys...If you want I can take more pics tommorrow... Here she is:
  15. drizzt_19

    Couldn't resist this pic

    Went to feed the little guy tonight and this is how he greets me...