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Recent content by durtis

  1. durtis

    i have a newby question

    im kind of new to the whole forum thing and i have a quick question..... most of you have your animals named under your posts like 1.1.0.. what does that mean????
  2. durtis

    my boa out for a photo shoot

    lenox was in a good mood today so i took him outside and he wanted his picture taken......enjoy!:D
  3. durtis

    surprise eggs i need help asap

    my motly sunglow has made some eggs....i had her in a tank for about 2 weeks about 4 weeks ago cause i ran out of space from moving....so she was in a tank with a (from what i thought was) female rat snake... but idk what to do or if they are even fertile... help me
  4. durtis

    two more added to my addition

    i received a ball python and a red tail boa for free about a week ago. im so excited. ive been wanting a boa or python looking at all yours i havent been able to get pictures yet(broken camera) but hopefully on or around friday they are around 3 foot and eating great
  5. durtis

    Does anyone???

    happen to live near Allentown that could possibly sex my corns i still dont know they true sexes
  6. durtis

    i want to breed.....

    i would like to breed my sunglow and my ultrmel next year how would i go about doing that and what might i get out of it
  7. durtis

    please read this

    im am really sorry im new here and i never saw the avatar before i have been to his site before and i never saw that picture. i found it a a different site. i will look for the site i saw it on now and if i see it i will tell all of you again i really didnt know and i changed it as soon as i...
  8. durtis


    does anybody know how to tell if a snake is gravid
  9. durtis

    eastern milk snake

    i belive my eastern milk snake "Maggie" might be gravid i recently bought her from a pet store so i truly dont know does anybody know how to tell if she is
  10. durtis

    some help please??

    i need some help first...my milk snake may be gravid and i dont know how to tell some suggestions please second...if she is how do i go about hatching them?? some help please??
  11. durtis

    The Gang

    Saleen Maple on left Candy on right Pinky the rat snake sorry guys i know its corn snakes only but he lives with all of them
  12. durtis


    After looking around for awhile i finnaly registered i have a sunglow, candycane and ultrmel,1 pink rat and an unknown at this time. i belive hes an eastern milk
  13. durtis

    can some one help me??

    I bought this Snake from a no name pet store for $75 and she was labeled as a corn snake and i know it isn't. it was kept in bad condition and i felt bad for it so now shes mine.i need some help to find out what kind of snake she is please.. ps. i think shes pregnant:)