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Recent content by forbiddenjewel23

  1. forbiddenjewel23

    good egg & bad egg pictures ?!!?

    Just wondering if you guys could post some pictures of some good corn snakes eggs compared to some bad ones ? I just got a huge surprize today, and i was wanting to compare my two eggs to some pictures... So if anyone could post some that would be awesome! Happy Breeding 2009!!
  2. forbiddenjewel23


    Hey guys, well today is the big day! i put my snakes into burmation.... now i've researched and read my kathy love book over and over a million times but i figured i'd ask one LAST and final time just to 10000000% make sure it was Ok... Now my temps are sitting around 60 - 65 degrees F...
  3. forbiddenjewel23


    My Female Corn Keeps her tail in the air when my male is in the cage with her... Is She Flagging him to breed with her ? My male is going into shed right now, He'll flick his tail but that's pretty much all he'll do Whats up with them ?
  4. forbiddenjewel23

    Intro to My BREEDERS Of The Season!

    Just thought i would share my first year of breeding corns! I have a 1.3 combo going on... Lets hope for some awesome babys! :) Let me know what you guys think! :) *** HAPPY THANKSGIVING ***
  5. forbiddenjewel23

    Whats the Normal Clutch Size for a Female Corn ?

    Just wondering what the normal clutch size can range from for a normal female corn snake ?? Thxs
  6. forbiddenjewel23

    Newbie to the site!!! HELLOO!!!

    Hey guys, i'm new to this site I have many snakes from balls,boa to burmese and retics, also i have two baby corns, a normal and snow around a year old I'am very active in reptiles & snakes, i love dealing with them pretty much 24/7 I'am currently looking to get my first set or two of...