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Recent content by IAmLink

  1. IAmLink

    Kenyan Sand Boa-female

    Hi all! I have a 5 year old Kenyan sand boa I'm looking to sell. She's eating large f/t adult mice roughly once every 7-10 days. Really good color on this girl. Asking $100 plus shipping, though I'm willing to negotiate price. Also I apologize these pics are a few months old. I've been wanting...
  2. IAmLink

    Adult corns for sale

    l have six adult corns I need to re-home, all eating f/t extra large adult mice with healthy appetites and all very hand tame. They have individual prices on each but if you're interested in them all (which I'd prefer) then make me a reasonable offer. Please note that prices don't include...
  3. IAmLink

    Male Cinnamon Pinstripe BP for sale

    Hello all, I have an almost 2 year old male cinn pin ball python from Bob Clark for sale. Great disposition and great appetite, currently eating f/t weaned rats, never had an issue feeding or shedding. Hard decision letting this one go; $400 shipped. Thanks for looking!
  4. IAmLink

    Extreme Reverse Okeetee and Sunglow Stripe

    I have two gorgeous corns in need of new homes, both are friendly, great eaters, never had an issue with either. First up is a 2013 female Extreme Reverse Okeetee from Stephen Roylace. Very lovely girl, eating large adult mice f/t. These pics of her are old only because she's deep in blue at...
  5. IAmLink

    2 Year old Candy Cane male and little rescue

    Hi there! I'm looking to re-home my 2 year old male Candy Cane. He's a fantastic snake with great personality and feeding response, I've just been really getting into some of the larger boas and pythons and I'd like to free up some space! He's an orange Candy Cane from Don's stock. He's never...
  6. IAmLink

    BRB, KSB, BP, JCP, and any other future snakes ;)

    So I decided to post pics of my other snakes besides the corns :3 Along with the 14 corns, I currently have three non-corn snakes; I've really started to get into the boas and pythons :X First up, my baby and I must admit my favorite snake (sshhhh, don't tell the others! ;D) my Brazilian...
  7. IAmLink

    First spring day!

    So today being the first nice, spring day, it seemed like a perfect time to take some updated pics of the babies :) Thëodwyn- female Creamsicle Okeetee from Don Ecthelion- male orange Candy Cane from Don I wish he had of stayed red! D; Dúnadain- male Butter from Don He's a squirmy...
  8. IAmLink

    Package from SMR...

    So I was verrrry lucky in that my breeder, whom I am planning on getting a second Shiba Inu from, also happened to own snakes, once upon a time. It turned out that he had a snake rack just sitting around that he planned on just throwing away! So he sold it to me for $50! :eek: It's a 10 high...
  9. IAmLink

    Female Ghost and a Strawberry

    Hi! I'm looking for a 2013 hatchling female ghost. Simple But I seem to be having a hard time finding some :rolleyes: Also, I've seen a Strawberry on Ians Vivarium that I've fallen in love with that has a pinkish background and very RED saddles. Is there anyone that produces Strawberries that...
  10. IAmLink

    Springtime pics

    The weather has been so nice lately that I decided it was time for some new outside photos xP Luckily all of my babies recently shed so everyone has some bright, shiny new skin to show off! Peppermint: Mah derpy baby Butter xP Miami phase motley Extreme Reverse Okeetee...
  11. IAmLink


    My Extreme Reverse Okeetee just arrived from Steve and I couldn't be more thrilled!! Her coloration is just perfect and I adore the markings just behind her head. She has been named Éowyn; but enough of all that, here are the pics!!! Still in the tub: First tongue pic! Hello...
  12. IAmLink

    Link's Corns Progression Thread :3

    I finally got around to making a progression thread for my snakeys, considering they are all growing just so fast! Be prepared for an epic-ton of pics, lol! First up is little Ecthelion, my male candy cane from Don He's not too good at sitting still for his photo lol I sure hope he keeps...
  13. IAmLink

    Amel or RO?

    So this little guy is at the Petsmart I work at. I just love his personality and tend to take him out a lot and drape him around my shoulders while I'm working, lol Anywhoo, for a while I thought he was just a simple amel, but lately I have been having some doubts and wondering if he's actually...
  14. IAmLink


    Anyone else in the path of this hurricane/freak storm? I'm in southern Maryland, so I'm literally directly in her path, and frankly a little worried. This is my first year with snakes, and I'm almost positive that I'm going to end up losing power, considering what everyone has been saying about...
  15. IAmLink

    So I caved...

    ...And I got one of my dream morphs from Walter, an adorable little Peppermint :D His name is Númenor (yes, more Tolkien related names :cool:) and he is, of course, just perfect and adorable <3 And while I was there I couldn't help having a looksee around...so I also ended up with this...