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Recent content by Irish Eyes (Mrs.Z)

  1. Irish Eyes (Mrs.Z)

    Given the World's Skinniest Cornsnake, & it Won't Eat

    Just like the title says. 2 weeks ago I was given a 4 y/o female Miami Cornsnake, supposedly because the kid who owned it didn't want it anymore--he wants a Ball Python. The snake was (and is) in horrible shape. So thin you can see her ribs and backbone. So covered in dry shes that she feels...
  2. Irish Eyes (Mrs.Z)

    Given the World's Skinniest Cornsnake, & it

    Just like the title says. 2 weeks ago I was given a 4 y/o female Miami Cornsnake, supposedly because the kid who owned it didn't want it anymore--he wants a Ball Python. The snake was (and is) in horrible shape. So thin you can see her ribs and backbone. So covered in dry shes that she feels...
  3. Irish Eyes (Mrs.Z)

    First in a long time :-).

    I haven't brought a new snake into the house in about a year. Maybe more! But one arrived today, and he's a beauty! A Miami male from Jorge Sierra, who was kind enough to keep him for me for about a year while he got the little guy eating consistently and converted to F/T. What a nice thing...
  4. Irish Eyes (Mrs.Z)

    It's been awhile....

    And if you've forgotten me, I'm not surprised! So, after all these months of helping my mother through her chemo treatments every two weeks and wondering if she'd be here for Christmas, we found out 2 weeks ago that her tumors are reduced by 75%, and her tumor markers are down from 4.5 to 1.6...
  5. Irish Eyes (Mrs.Z)

    An Explanation

    I haven't been around much. As active as this board is, I doubt anyone noticed, but since this is my favorite forum, I thought a quick explanation was due. In July, we found out that my mother's cancer had not only returned, but spread to a kidney, the back of her abdomen, and the original...
  6. Irish Eyes (Mrs.Z)

    They Arrived This Morning

    The ones I've waited a year for--a pair of Graham's (Strange Cargo's) snakelings! A male normal Tessera (to replace my lost boy that I bred) and a female Extreme Okeetee. They are gorgeous! I can't wait to watch them grow up :-). So here are a few photos of the babies. And a big thank you...
  7. Irish Eyes (Mrs.Z)

    Does anyone keep these?

    I saw a beautiful red and blue lizard yesterday. A red-headed Agama (and its female, who looked almost nothing like him, color-wise). That's the first lizard in a LONG time that I've actually thought I'd like to have, perhaps.... I talked with the pet store owner, and from what he said, it...
  8. Irish Eyes (Mrs.Z)

    Absolutely Heartbroken :-(

    Apparently, Z looked in on my babies, yesterday afternoon, without telling me 'til much later. Last night, when we went to feed them, my baby Tessera was gone! He'd left the tub open just the tiniest bit, and, of course, the baby took advantage of it, apparently.... So, we searched for HOURS...
  9. Irish Eyes (Mrs.Z)

    Babies Hatched--and I got my Tessera!

    John of Colorado Corns sent me his Tessera male on breeding loan earlier this year, and Niamh, my Amel Stripe, was bred with him. She finally laid 6 good eggs, and they've hatched over the past two days. Today, the last one hatched, and I FINALLY have my Tessera baby (provided it's ok with...
  10. Irish Eyes (Mrs.Z)

    Tahlaia Shed

    Tahlaia is the Irian Jaya (mix?) carpet python that we got from Heather on Saturday. She's a beauty, especially since she shed this morning! I only got a couple of pix that are in focus, because she's a very active girl, but I thought I'd share the two that I got :-). Isn't she pretty...
  11. Irish Eyes (Mrs.Z)

    Lipstick Albino Sunglow

    I've had this girl on "layaway" for a long time, and I've finally got her home with me. I think she's gorgeous! The parents apparently came from Tom Burke, but she was bred by a local breeder, Michael Beach, who liked her very much, and had planned on keeping her for his breeding program--dog...
  12. Irish Eyes (Mrs.Z)

    Okeetee Eggs Pipping--Update

    The title says it all. There were a total of 2 eggs, both fertile. Today, the babies started pipping. Neither of them are out, yet. Maybe by morning. Cross fingers, please, for 2 healthy babies! I have no idea of the backgrounds of the Okeetee parents. I should get 2 Okeetees, right? I...
  13. Irish Eyes (Mrs.Z)

    Can or do they REALLY, actively dislike some people?

    I'm just curious, because my husband gets bitten by my snakes constantly. Heck, even Colorado, the most chill cornsnake I've ever known, strikes at him when he comes near! Ditto with my Mexican Nightsnake, which is right up there in the "calm" and "friendly" department. And just the other...
  14. Irish Eyes (Mrs.Z)

    John/Zorro--WE HAVE EGGS!!!

    Woot! It looks like your shy little tessera man WAS doing the birds and bees thing with Niamh! She has laid (at least) 6 eggs, and they ALL look good (so far)! We'll check tomorrow and see if there are any more before we pull them out and put them in the incubator. Wow! I still don't even...
  15. Irish Eyes (Mrs.Z)

    Nanci and Stephanie (desertanimal)

    Colorado turns out to be just as big a fan of Doctor Who as the rest of us here at Collie Capers. He sat still around my shoulders for a whole episode. I think he may have a crush on Amy Pond (shhhh! Don't tell Rory!). I don't know what you guys taught this guy, but ya done it right! *grins*