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Recent content by jayson rafter

  1. jayson rafter

    coral/strawberry/rc/rf snow...? ;)

    Received this guy in recent trade . obviously ill be test breeding but what's everyones thoughts on which it could be...? i have 1.1, this is the better (pinker) looking one. Was told they were purchased from bhb.i have also contacted them (waiting for response).
  2. jayson rafter

    dilute bloodred or blue blood

    Looking for either of these...please let me know what you have...may take bloodred het dilute or dilute het bloodred but really looking for the homo forms.
  3. jayson rafter

    tessera morph help

    Pairing was tessera het amel. X ultramel anery.a poss.het.bloodred Clutch produced 3 tesseras 6 ultramels 7 normals I cant figure out if tesseras work like this (first year breeding them) two of the tesseras look dark & one is very Hypo looking but no hypo is involved. It doesnt look like an...
  4. jayson rafter

    trade....your corns or corn for my tattoo kit

    I have 2 guns & everything else you need except skin....tons of ink,needles,pads..everything!!!!& lots of it!! please email to [email protected] Pics for serious inquiries only please. Trade value is about $1,800 minus shipping(its a lot of equip.)& heavy. Looking for...
  5. jayson rafter

    ultramel anery oddball....?

    1.2 ultramel anery.a het.hypo 50% poss. bloodred stripe produced from F ultramel anery het.motley & M hypo.het.fire,anery.a both females have odd marks on them...? thought it was poop at first,but after two sheds the marks dont go away. im not sure exactly whats going on,but its cool....lol lmk...
  6. jayson rafter

    variety pack of 2011's

    quick feeding shoot of most of my 2011 holdbacks & newbies. pics are in order.... 0.1 pewter het.hypo.a 1.0 pewter het.hypo.a 0.1 sunkissed poss.het.plasma 1.0 sunkissed poss.het.plasma 1.0 hypo.lavender het.plasma,amel. keep going....theres more posts....
  7. jayson rafter

    trade glass for highend corns

    Hi all,I'm also glass blower & just thought id throw it out there....I'm looking to trade some of my Hand blown glass for your cornsnakes.if interested please email for pictures....to [email protected] to see what's available. I am picky so...
  8. jayson rafter

    2011 hypo.lavender het.plasma

    he is also 66% poss.het.opal. feeding on brained pinkys...2 a week. trades always welcome. $$ make an offer
  9. jayson rafter

    uploading photos from phone on cs.com

    Does anyone know how to upload photos from a Sprint EVO onto this site? Thanx in advance. -Jay
  10. jayson rafter


    I have 2 of these morphs! ,both are males.( I will be keeping 1 back) The peachy-Ness in these guys are amazing! I personally can't even find this morph for sale & or adult pics of them. rich Hume may have similar a morph ?Genetics are guaranteed! Both are eating f/t pinks 2 a week. Pics can be...
  11. jayson rafter

    breeding loan....looking for...

    Hey all,I have a striped butter female (rich z stock) that I'm looking to breed with.her hets are unknown...most likley she's het.for something?.I have plenty of males I "could" breed her with,but id like to get some new stuff (morphs) into my collection....what id like to breed her with...
  12. jayson rafter

    1.0 mojave ball python

    1.0 mojave & 0.1 spider both '09's. Both eat & shed fine. Both eat live & f/ t from tongs. Male is a w.c & aggressive. Female is calm & c.b(pics upon request) $175.00 + shipping for mojave & $465.00 + shipping for the spider. Or take both & get free shipping. These are also for trade(@ those...
  13. jayson rafter

    new morph....? hypo opal bloodred

    pairing was... 1.0 hypo plasma poss.het.amel.''proved amel.'' (stephen roylance) 0.1 hypo.lavender het.bloodred *amel.was unknown! (rich.Z) dontcha' LOVE HIDDEN GENES!! :D (sorry for the crappy shots!!,got an explorer!) & im pretty sure he/she is in shed.... not sure if it's a first or not...
  14. jayson rafter

    help with hypo.lav.,opal,hypo.plasma??

    first year hatching hypo.lavs,opal & hypo plasma.... my question is do hypo lavs hatch with red eyes (like opals) the eyes are more red (like amels) rather than ruby (like lavs)... all have shed 3+ times these are from pairing... 1.0 hypo.plasma *poss.het.amel. (stephen roylance) 0.1...
  15. jayson rafter

    2011's for sale...,bloodred,ultra,granite & amel.TRADES WELCOME!!

    some of my 2011 hatchlings. all have eaten 5+ meal's & 2+ shed's. usually i wholesale so these are either male's or unsexed (noted) 1.0 granite 100% het.hypo.a 50% stripe $45.00 *pic1 1.0.3 ultra/ultramel hets. (unknown)...ask if interested $25.00 *pic2 0.0.2 amel. 66%...