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Recent content by JoannaD

  1. JoannaD

    Sunkissed Pewter, Diffused Sunkissed, Sunkissed Charcoals!

    Here is the sunkissed pewter and some sunkissed bloodreds/diffused. The sun pewter is very hard to photograph. I don't think I can catch his colors correctly.
  2. JoannaD

    And so it begins!

    This beauty is the first to hatch from a pairing of het sunkissed pewters. Mom is from Chuck Pritzel and dad was produced here. The best part of the story is that I never saw the two mate and never thought she was gravid until I opened her bin one day to find 21 dehydrated eggs in her aspen...
  3. JoannaD

    2012 keeper pewters and bloodred

    I was very happy with the way these guys came out!
  4. JoannaD

    Sunkissed Anery made possible by Starsevol

    This gorgeous girl was made possible by Beth (Starsevol). I babysat some of her snakes and bred her Dimitri, sunkissed het hypo anery, male to two of my girls. The mom of this girl was a het sunkissed, amel, anery and motley!
  5. JoannaD

    2012 Babies for sale.

    I still have some 2012 babies left. Below are a few examples. To see more check out MoJo Herps on Facebook.
  6. JoannaD

    Interesting info on IBD research

    http://www.wbur.org/npr/158501873/how-a-virus-in-snakes-could-offer-clues-to-ebola-in-humans The virus causing IBD may have been identified and is in the same category as the Ebola virus! It is NOT dangerous to humans though.
  7. JoannaD

    Pile o' babies!

    Sunkissed X anery het lavender diffused.
  8. JoannaD

    Bloodred het Charcoal X Bloodred het Charcoal

    So far I am thrilled with what I am seeing. And I think I have another keeper! The photo doesn't do him justice. His sides are almost translucent.
  9. JoannaD

    Doing the Happy Dance!

    A few years ago I crossed my sunkissed male to a banded amel mot female in order to make sunkissed amel mots but in the end was not all that excited by the sunkissed amels and I don't think I ever managed to hit the jackpot. In the meantime I found out that the original amel mot was het anery. I...
  10. JoannaD

    For Beth (Starsevol)

    Dimetri, Beth's sunkissed male, has been living at my place for a while and lovin' some of the ladies here. His first clutch started pipping today. He was bred to Cohoe, my ghost het amel motley girl. It looks like he is het for anery and hypo. The photos don't show it well but I am pretty sure...
  11. JoannaD

    Is anybody a Delta Dash shipper?

    This is a little crazy but we are trying to get my sons kayak from Boston to Ottawa and can't find a decent price. Delta now only ships with known shippers. I was curious how much they would charge.
  12. JoannaD

    First Pippies of the Year!

    Finally on day 67 my first clutch has pipped. This clutch should be fun, hypo/strawberry anery motley male X hypo/strawberry amel het anery. So I could get hypos, strawberries, hypo/strawberries, ghosts, strawberry aneries, hypo/strawberry aneries... And now that I have pippies the male has...
  13. JoannaD

    Next time you are upset with the IRS...

  14. JoannaD


    I bred my ultramel poss het caramel male to an amel motley het caramel female this year to finally find out if he was het caramel. I was sadly disappointed to find out that he was not het caramel when I hatched 10 ultramels and 9 amels earlier this summer. I had bred him multiple times in...
  15. JoannaD

    Mexican Black Kingsnakes

    I am cutting back my collection and decided to let my MBKs go. Shipping is not included in the prices below and I am certified to ship FedEx. 0.1 2007 Proven $100 1.0 2009 son of the above snake $70 0.1 2010 ? MBK vs. Desert King - she is the daughter of the above female and PJC's Ivan...