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Recent content by Joejr14

  1. Joejr14

    Misc Leftovers

    Few adults that need to go.... 0.1 Opal Motley ($250) 0.1 Ghost ($100) 1.0 Caramel ph bloodred (pretty much a def het) ($150) Also have: - Herpstat ND ($100) - Herpstat ($80) - Herpstat 2 ($175)
  2. Joejr14

    Hmm....what am I?

    This guy is from my het sunkissed hypo clutch. He looked very different upon hatching, but nothing like the hypo sunkisseds from last year. He also looks waaay different from the hypo that hatched in the clutch. So, hypo sunkissed, or hypo het sunkissed? Or really weird sunkissed?
  3. Joejr14

    Het Sunkissed Hypo Clutch

    Alright, my sunkissed stuff this year has me scratching my head. My charcoal sunkissed clutch gave me a ton of stuff (amels, blizzard, sunkissed, sunkissed charcoal, and okeetees), but this clutch is lame-o! There's one sunkissed pipping, but it would appear that everything out....is well, all...
  4. Joejr14

    Amels p/h charcoal sunkissed

    I never though I'd be saying this, but it's actually somewhat of a challenge to tell what these guys are without up close examination. Or perhaps that tells me all I need to know right there... I sure wish one of the four was homo sunkissed, but they do look nice....
  5. Joejr14

    Sunkissed Charcoal

    Well I was hoping for more than one, and was really hoping for a male, but I won't frown upon this lil gal.
  6. Joejr14


    Alright, I know this might be a bit unpopular but I'm still confused. I've seen a bunch of dilute theads in the past few weeks and I still don't 'get it'. I've seen a few threads of various anery dilute mots....and all I see is a nice ghost mot. I've seen threads of dilute anery stripes and I...
  7. Joejr14

    Okeetee het sunkissed charcoal clutch

    You know with all the other crap that's surrounded this breeding season, I am so freakin' glad this clutch was one of three that survived. So cool to get home from work and see this pile of babies laying out....
  8. Joejr14

    Berries and Bugs....

    A quick walk out the door to check on something presented itself with a few photo opps....
  9. Joejr14

    Bite me, Murphy!

    Where's that big giant middle finger smiley? My clutch numbers sucked this year, a bunch of clutches went bad, and I've only got 3-4 in the incubator, amongst a bunch of other crap that's happened. Well, lookie what I got here. First hatchling of '09. :p
  10. Joejr14

    Do you see what I see?

    Well, do ya???
  11. Joejr14

    D300 Scenery/Nature Photos

    Went out for about an hour to the Tankerhoosen to test out the new camera in the field. I sure wish I had brought the macro lens instead of the 18-55mm kit lens....
  12. Joejr14

    Nikon D50

    Alright, so this is 'officially for sale now. I've got the original box, I'm fairly certain I have the manual and such, and of course the battery and charger. Camera itself is just about in mint condition even though it's got several thousand shots on it. I've got two (laying around...
  13. Joejr14

    Nikon D50

    So technically not a 'for sale' ad, more or less a 'feeler'. I'd like to upgrade cameras within the next month and between snake sales from last year, selling a few adult females (and yearlings), and my camera, I should have enough to make that happen. So I'm curious if anyone on this website...
  14. Joejr14


    So my season is starting much later than last year, but at least it's starting. I've got a few more females that should go within the next few days.... Not a bad start, clutch of 17, 100% fertile. Striped Lav x Anery/Lavender. And proof that the 300 gram rule isn't a rule at all. ;)
  15. Joejr14

    Ugh.... (Stupidity Rant)

    I guess I'm a bit confused here.... Party affiliations aside, why are most people in this country so damn stupid when it comes to understanding the economy, specifically oil/gasoline prices? I swear, 95% of people do not understand anything about: - The actual breakdown of a gallon of gas -...