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Recent content by josie

  1. josie

    Asking for thoughs and prayers

    I am coming here to ask for prayers for my niece and nephew. Their father was killed Monday afternoon. He was riding home from work on his Harley and was stuck by a car that ran a red light. He was thrown 30 feet from his bike suffering multiple injuries but died instantly from a broken neck...
  2. josie

    Baby C arrived today!!!!!

    Baby C arrived this morning, bright and early, and I managed to snap a couple of pictures before letting him settle in. I will up load them and post them. I think I have settled on a name also.........Baby Cayenne! OMG is he breath taking!!!!!
  3. josie

    Meet Toulouse

    Meet Toulouse! He is our newest member. His mom belongs to my daughter and his pappa is my male Ninja (he figured out what to do with his "boys" before I had him snipped and we didn't know it until she started showing). He is 7 weeks old, eating kitten chow and is completely litter box...
  4. josie


    I reciently find myself single again, at almost 43 years old, and I'm wondering how/ if ever I will find someone who will be ok with my snakes as I will NOT get rid of them for anyone. I get strange looks and reactions now from people. I find myself leary and reserved to begin with and a...
  5. josie

    Evil hateling

    Did I mention EVIL? I am talking about my male butter stipe Chomper. I am at my wits end with him. I will admit that my life has been a total train wreck this last month and I haven't had a lot of patients for man nor beast, but tonight I kind of had a "give me a feicken break" moment. I was...
  6. josie

    I suck with picking names

    I really suck when it comes to naming my animals so I'm asking for ideas. I have a bloodred baby coming from Nanci, that I will register, and right now he is called Baby C. He is gorgeous and so he needs a fitting name. All of my other snakes have names of characters from the movie "Land Before...
  7. josie

    Calling all frog keepers

    I am trying to find good information, books or website, about keeping frogs, dart frogs specifically. There is so much information on the web that it gets frustrating after a while because you find so much conflicting information so what better place to ask then here, right? LOL Thanks in...
  8. josie

    Frustrated with a total hateling!

    I have read many threads on this same topic and have tried most if not all but nothing I have done has changed my hatelings behavior so I guess I'm just venting. :headbang: I have a 2010 butter stripe male that is so gorgeous but is absolutly hateful. I get the tail rattle, strikes, and...
  9. josie

    Thoughts and prayers needed

    I have a dear friend that suffered a horrible tradgedy and could use all the prayers he can get. Last night he lost his home, glass blowing studio and both of his dearly loved dogs. He has suffered some very serious hardships over the past year and the fire has just destroyed him. Please keep...
  10. josie

    Gargoyle gecko information

    I am looking for information on the care, proper diet, habitat, etc of gargoyle geckos. I am SERIOUSLY considering adopting one and want to have all the information before I make my decision and i have searched online and I have found conflicting information....I had the same problem when I was...
  11. josie

    Newest additons

    Here are pictures of two of my three new additions. I added a butter stripe male (total hateling! bit me going in to his viv....what nerve!) and a female caremel stripe today and I bought a male bloodred baby from Nanci that will be shipped once Ohio warms up to allow shipping. The caremel...
  12. josie


    I'm wanting to purchase a scale. What is a good one to get?
  13. josie

    Counting the days till Spring

    I am counting the days till spring..........I'm getting one of Nanci's bloodred babies and he cannot be shipped until Ohio's weather isn't freezing. :( Come on Spring hurry up!!!!!!!!!! [/U]
  14. josie

    Super excited!

    I am super excited. I picked up a rack for my corn hatchlings today at the reptile show in Cleveland. I am picking up a thermostat tomorrow and getting air holes drilled in the tubs and it should be ready for my little ones to move in by this weekend.....Just in time for my new additions! I...
  15. josie

    What personal information about you is floating around the internet?

    There's a site called spokeo.com that's a new online USA phone book w/personal info: everything from pics you've posted, your approx credit score, home value, income, age, family member's names. Remove yourself by searching your name, find your page, copy the URL then go to the bottom right of...