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Recent content by Jupiter

  1. Jupiter

    Been a WHILE, quick question (with photo).

    Hello all! Been ages since I've posted on here, been lurking over the last week or two, good to see everyone around. Sir Blinky is doing great, I think he's almost reached max length at about 4 ft 3 and lately he's been working on filling out that long body and has been putting on (healthy)...
  2. Jupiter

    A blank canvas. Suggestions needed badly.

    Ignore the reflection, and the hazy water mark area on the top 2-3 inches of the glass, it used to be way worse but I managed to clean it that much. Sir Blinky used to live in a regular 20 gallon aquarium, but he quickly out grew it (not really outgrew, I just wanted something a little bigger I...
  3. Jupiter

    Low level of activity?

    Hello, so a while back I posted about Sir Blinky (my 2 year old male) not eating and being super active, and with yalls help we decided that it was spring time blues that were causing it. Sir Blinky went from about the beginning of march or so to the beginning of May and only ate 2-3 times. But...
  4. Jupiter

    Clash of Clans, anyone?

    Hey there, super bored and decided to post on the ole forums. Been playing a game called clash of clans for a while now, and have a friendly clan if anyone is interested in joining. We have advertised on several platforms before, but generally don't accept people we don't know irl (or they...
  5. Jupiter

    Breeding black racers, I think (with pictures).

    My brother and dad were just outside and heard something scurrying on the hillside behind my house, so I went to look and there were these two. I'm terribly sorry for these terribly taken photos, but my iPad is all I have to take pics with atm, and I didn't want to get too close to these two...
  6. Jupiter

    A couple questions, not eating/flaky scales/super active.

    Hello, its been a while since i've posted any updates, but me and Sir Blinky are doing great! I moved him into his new 55 gallon about 2 months ago, and everything has been 100% normal until about 2 weeks ago. It started with me noticing that Sir Blink has been SUPER active, almost always out...
  7. Jupiter

    A couple questions about moving into a bigger tank.

    Heya, been a while, me and Sir Blinky are doing great tho, I just moved him into his new viv about 3 weeks ago. He got upgraded from his 20 gallon to a nice 55 gallon, and I _think_ he's loving it. A few questions tho: First of all, he settled in really quickly, he was totally calm and out and...
  8. Jupiter

    This is a first.

    So a friend on Facebook who loves close by just posted this pic I live in WV and we're having a record warm December. I've never seen a snake of any kind out and about this late in the year. The reason I made this was to ask what kind it was? A Garter maybe? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Jupiter

    What to do with an extra 20 gallon?

    Ahhhhh it has been a WHILE.... I've taken some time off from posting on this site, me and Sir Blinky have been doing amazing. Didn't know where to post this, so I thought I'd just leave it here to see if it got any responses. So the question is pretty simple, it's what the title of the post...
  10. Jupiter

    Thawed mice, safe to re-freeze?

    So we've had a deluge of terrible, high wind storms recently here in WV, and over the last 3 days we've had about 3 hours of electricity total. It's back now (thank god), BUT there was about 12-15 hours there were everything in our freezer was left on its own, then we got all the important stuff...
  11. Jupiter

    Snakes been hiding 24/7?

    So Sir Blinky has been not coming out of his hide at all for the last week. About a month ago I switched his viv location from in my bedroom (quiet, mostly dark room) to the main living room, where there is far more activity, and some sort of artificial lighting at all times. But for the first...
  12. Jupiter

    Crested Gecko, or Leopard Gecko?

    Hey there, me and Sir Blinky have been doing swell, other than some hot temps, he is growing like a weed! I love the Blinkster, he has been my first ever scaley, and I've enjoyed every minute with him. I think I want to get another reptile, but I'm not sure what. I'm a super beginner here, on...
  13. Jupiter

    Past worried sick. Help with too much heat pleaseee.

    So I have searched these forums and a lot of the Internet, and I've found varying degrees of answers, so I'm asking here to confirm. Apparently it's VERY bad to have temps above 85 degrees. I've read that 87-89 can yield the snake temporarily (or permanently) infertile, and increases the...
  14. Jupiter

    A few curiosities.

    Its been a while since I've posted, and I have a few questions, or more of, a few things I've been wondering about. Sir Blinky just turned 1 year old about a month ago, and I _think_ he weighs 48g...... I have a scale that seems accurate, like I put my weight on it (50g) and it says 50g...
  15. Jupiter

    Baking a log? (Again, sorry)

    So I've got another log from outside, it's NOT cedar, or Pine, we suspect it to be some sort of poplar, I can't find anyone who says poplar is bad for snakes at all. It is however, very veryy wet. And that's bad, I know, wetness=bacteria (potentially). So to dry it I should, bake it in the...