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Recent content by lefty_mussolini

  1. lefty_mussolini

    Petco Find!

    I was at Petco, picking up supplies yesterday because I had my new KSB's coming in. I happened to look in the Corn tank and next to the artificial plant I saw a little gray baldy looking head poking out. I asked a passing employee if I could see the snake. Other than being a bit skinny, it...
  2. lefty_mussolini

    New Chub-Worms!

    Or some people call them Sand Boas. :D These came in yesterday. I bought them from Josh (airenlow). They are great! I snapped a couple pics before letting them burrow away in their new homes. I decided to go with Batman themed names. I was in a Batman mood. Here is the anery female, Ivy. The...
  3. lefty_mussolini

    My New Ultramel Anery (DUW)

    As some of you know, I am just getting back into keeping snakes after a bit of a herp-hiatus. Today, I got my first Corn since returning to the snake hobby. That's right... I've been on this forum for the last few months without even owning a Corn Snake. I feel like a poseur. :grin01: I am so...
  4. lefty_mussolini

    My House Snakes

    Anybody that remembers me around here probably could have told you that if I got back into the hobby, I would get African House Snakes first. So here they are my pair of dark phase fuliginosis. I've dubbed them my "Weapons of Mouse Destruction." House Snakes have quite an appetite. The pics...
  5. lefty_mussolini

    Been a LONG time...

    Well, it's been a very rough few years. After spending the last 2.5 years without any animals (except Kiya, my Chihuahua partner in crime) I've finally gotten some stability in my living situation and have acquired some reptiles again. It's good to be back here. So... what did I miss? :rolleyes:
  6. lefty_mussolini

    A Day of Mourning in the Reptile Community

    Today, we all drink to our fallen slithery friends that were led to their death by St. Patrick. Please observe a moment of silence for all of the snakes in Ireland. :cheers:
  7. lefty_mussolini

    Sir Jumpy Bumpy Green Thing

    Took a couple of new pics of Sir Jumpy Bumpy Green Thing today. He is an African Bull Frog, also known as a Pyxie Frog. Unfortunately, the batteries on the camera died before I fed him. He is up to hopper mice now. I feed him 1 hopper twice a week and worms (nightcrawlers or superworms) 3-5...
  8. lefty_mussolini

    Bite Thread (Sound Off)

    I'd like to start a nice, light hearted thread because I am bored. So, which cold blooded critters have laid their teeth on you? I actually have an ongoing blog about this subject. It is updated with any new species that I've been bit by. Pics are always welcome. Let's see your battle wounds...
  9. lefty_mussolini

    My New Friend

    This guy came into my work about a year ago with some serious calcium deficiency. The bosses didn't give him much of a chance to live, but they offered him for free to a regular customer that often takes in rescues. Well, a year later he is going strong, but our customer needed to make some...
  10. lefty_mussolini

    Feeding Time For Sir Jumpy Bumpy Green Thing

    When I posted pics of my new Pixie Frog, there was an expressed interest in some pics of him eating a fuzzy. Tonight was feeding night, so I snapped a couple. Enjoy :)
  11. lefty_mussolini

    A New Little Friend...

    What is green, has four legs, a huge mouth, eats rodents, and can get as big as a dinner plate??? A PIXIE FROG. And now I have one. I have wanted one ever since I got bit by one at work last month while I was feeding her a mouse. We haven't had any for sale for a while, and when we get them...
  12. lefty_mussolini

    Cal-King With A GREAT Feed Response

    I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned that I work in a reptile store :rolleyes: , but the other day, I was at work, and it was feeding day for all of the baby Colubrids. I am the Official Colubrid Nerd of the joint, so this is one of my tasks. I was about 280 snakes into the job, and surprisingly...
  13. lefty_mussolini

    VERY Bad Day

    I came home from work yesterday and went into my snake room and I was hit by a wall of heat when I entered. It just started cooling down here, so I had set up my heater like I did last winter. No problems last winter, but I think that the power went out shortly and the thermostat for my heater...
  14. lefty_mussolini

    Jungle Pics (for LeeAnn)

    Here is the pair of Jungles that are going to LeeAnn (MastersHaven.) Unfortunately, both are in blue so they aren't looking as sharp as they normally do. I'll try to get some pics after they shed. The Male: And the Female:
  15. lefty_mussolini

    Semi-recent Acquisitions

    Here are a couple of snakes that I got from some members of the forum. First up, the Bloods from Joe. Male. Female. And I got a Ghost pair from Dean also. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a decent pic of the male. But I promise that he looks very good :) Here is the female.