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Recent content by liz08

  1. liz08

    Now have two corns, Congo and Cajun

    Now have two corns, Congo and Cajun
  2. liz08

    Has anyone NOT had an escape?

    Congo has escaped a few times. My house is small, he is large, so always got him back...UNTIL one time last summer. I took him out to cruise around the lawn. I got distracted doing some chores and he got into a mole hole last August. :cry: Totally lost him until - early this year, my mechanic...
  3. liz08

    Freezer Smells?

    Hello, I have one corn snake buddy and store his mice in my home freezer. I notice that the bag of frozen mice gets kind of strong smelling, especially toward the end of a batch. I can smell it on the packaging of my frozen people-food. It's unappetizing. Do any of you have this happen? Is...