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Recent content by lizskingsnakes

  1. L

    2016 Amel het Anery Corn Snakes

    Amel het Anery Corn Snake Babies, only a few left! $34.99 each Eating frozen/thawed pinky mice:eatpointe I am including a small plastic container with bedding and a water bowl for local pick up. You can see additional pics on my web site. www.lizskingsnakes.com Guaranteed healthy and live...
  2. L

    2016 Candycane Corn Snakes for sale

    Candycane Corn Snake Babies, only a few left! $34.99 each Eating frozen/thawed pinky mice:eatpointe I am including a small plastic container with bedding and a water bowl for local pick up. You can see additional pics on my web site. www.lizskingsnakes.com Guaranteed healthy and live arrival...
  3. L

    2013 Amel Corn Snake

    2013 male Amel Corn Snake unknown hets, $59 He will make a great pet and breeder! Eats one frozen/thawed mouse every 7-10 days. :eatsmiley Shipping available from 27572 www.lizskingsnakes.com
  4. L

    Adult Pied sided Bloodred !!!! reduced price

    For sale a beautiful 2012 adult male Pied sided Bloodred Redcoat He is not only beautiful but friendly and will make a good breeder as well as pet! Eating f/t, never misses a meal :eatsmiley Guaranteed healthy, parasite and mite free For sale over the holidays for only $190 plus shipping...
  5. L

    SOLD!!!!! Okeetee Hatchlings *WOW!*

    SOLD!!! Male and Female Okeetee Hatchlings Guaranteed healthy and have eaten several times They are really starting to show amazing colors and big black borders! Only 25.00 plus shipping from Durham NC Thanks, Liz www.lizskingsnakes.com
  6. L

    SOLD!!! 2013 1.0 Hypo Pied Bloodred Corn

    This 2013 male Hypo PS BR has amazing colors and medium expression! He has a sweet personality and likes to be held so is good for pet or breeder. He is 2 foot and eating FT hoppers. Bought him to breed with my female that turned out to be a male :eek: so need to sell a few males. $200 plus...
  7. L

    Classic Bloodred Corn Snake

    For sale is an amazing 2012 male Bloodred corn snake He is considered an "old school" Bloodred and is over 3 foot long. Eating FT mice. Friendly personality and likes to be held so is also good as a pet! $90 plus shipping from Durham, North Carolina www.lizskingsnakes.com
  8. L

    2013 1.0 Hypo Pied Bloodred het Anery Charcoal Corn

    2013 Hypo Pied Bloodred het Anery Charcoal Corn Beautiful 2+ foot male, feeding on f/t hoppers. $200 OBRO plus shipping from Durham, North Carolina www.lizskingsnakes.com