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Recent content by Lunar Gecko

  1. Lunar Gecko

    4H reptile project (help please)

    Hello- My son is joining the local reptile 4H group, he is 9. He has lots of experience with reptiles because he has been brought up with lots of them around. We are considering a corn snake for his 4H project. We already have 2 as well as 8 other snakes and tons of geckos here but I want to...
  2. Lunar Gecko

    Anyone else keep Dumerils Boas?

    Hello! Some quick questions but first some background. This last Thursday was my birthday and my husband knows me well enough to know I would want a reptile so he said he would be fine with me picking out a new herp for my birthday. I have been wanting to start getting more into reptile...
  3. Lunar Gecko

    Looking for pictures of...

    I'm interested in seeing more pictures of Salmon Snows. Anyone have any they are willing to share? All I have been able to find is the one listed here... http://iansvivarium.com/morphguide/salmonsnow/
  4. Lunar Gecko

    My snake collection (corns and other)

    I have a few snakes that I was kinda wanting to show off. Hope you all don't mind. :) Bailey - Male Blizzard from Henderson Herp Kahula - Female Ultramel Charcoal from VMS Herp My Milks This is Voodoo female Ghost, she has a bit of an attitude problem. *first photo is by VMS because as you...
  5. Lunar Gecko

    Snake Ban

    Some of you may have heard that there is new legislation to ban the keeping and breeding of some kinds of snakes. Mostly pythons at this point but that this bill will do is give momentum to groups like HSUS and PETA to move on to other groups. We need to keep this from happening. What can you...
  6. Lunar Gecko

    Wanted: 0.1 Bloodred het Blizzard or...

    Looking for a female Bloodred het Blizzard (Amelanistic and Charcoal) or a female Pewter het Amel. Please message me if you have any of the above for sale.
  7. Lunar Gecko

    Hello ;)

    Hi- Im just getting back into keeping corn snakes from almost a 20 year hiatus. Seems a lot has changed. For one the web resources lol and two all the new morphs. Back then I had a normal and was even lucky enough to have an albino. My mother made me name them "belt & wallet" because she said...