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Recent content by Magdalen

  1. M

    Kenyan Sand Boa - Snow Paradox

    I really shouldn't leave the house for a reptile expo with an empty tank at home. I thought I'll just get feeders, even tho I have a good store in town with feeders. Nooo what do I find but a little guy that I've would have liked if I could get a good price on (which it was). My first...
  2. M

    Saoirse - Leopard Gecko

    I guess I never did get around to sharing this little goofy, dorky lizard. I got her back in Dec of last year as an impulse buy (not much of an impulse since I have about 10 years experience with them) when I thought I might not get back into reptiles after the bad dealings with the hognose. I...
  3. M

    Thor - albino Cape House Snake

    Thought I'd finally introduce Thor :) I got him as an early birthday present to myself at the beginning of March. I've been letting him settle since he's pretty shy and secretive. I figured today we'd start with just a little photo shoot. Boy was he a little jumpy towards the end. I've...
  4. M

    Next Snake

    So this upcoming reptile expo I plan to get another snake. I like snakes on the smaller size, something that would be comfortable in a 20 gallon long or there abouts. I had original thought a male corn because they are smaller than females. But I'm starting to think maybe the 20 gallon long...
  5. M

    Hognose arrived!

    So after a month of waiting my hognose arrived. He's a year old and at about 90g. I need to get decent pics when he isn't stressed from just getting shipped and he gets to be more comfortable with me. And no name yet.
  6. M

    what morph?

    So I mentioned in my intro post I was looking into getting a corn as my get back into reptiles snake. I was all set to go to this LPS that claimed to have several different morphs. Nice store, but they were small and just had a few adults that were surrendered to them. But as I was there I...
  7. M

    Getting back into reptiles

    Snakes actually. :) Anyway, hmmmm I had a Kenyan Sand Boa years ago, then Leopard Geckos. But due to money/job issues I had to put a hold on the whole herp thing. Plus I adopted a horse 3 years ago and well she eats money -_- (not really, but really haha). I just got a much better job and...