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Recent content by MakersMarked

  1. MakersMarked

    Won a ball python in a raffle. Whoops.

    I entered a raffle at my go-to LPS last week, hoping to win a gift card or a new cage. Instead, I won a female mojave ball python (which wasn't one of the prizes when I entered--they just added more prizes later to get more people to buy tickets). So I set up a viv and decided to give her a...
  2. MakersMarked

    switching a ball python from live to f/t

    My co-worker found out that I got a cornsnake a few months ago, and she asked me to adopt her 9-year-old ball python because she doesn't want it anymore. I've never had a BP and I never particularly wanted one, but I agreed anyway because she seems not to have taken very good care of it (after...
  3. MakersMarked

    LA Reptile Stores

    Does anyone know of any good, clean, well-staffed reptile stores in the LA area (within, say, an hour of downtown)? I think I may have asked this on here a while back, but I'm asking again in case anyone's got any new suggestions. My go-to pet store closed last month, and the store I'd planned...
  4. MakersMarked


    I picked up a 5.5 gallon tank at a yard sale, and I was wondering if I could keep a hatchling (corn, MBK, or hoggie) in one for any amount of time. And if so, for how long? I had originally planned to keep a betta in it but changed my mind. I don't want the tank to go waste, though. Sent...
  5. MakersMarked

    snake doesn't like aspen?

    I've noticed lately that Agitprop spends very little time on the aspen, which I just started using a few weeks ago. She spends most of her time in her cool hide, which has a ceramic bottom and doesn't touch the aspen. Her warm hide has an open bottom so she can burrow directly to the glass on...
  6. MakersMarked

    new snake misconception

    Here's a new snake misconception I've never heard before. This whole week in LA is gonna be in the upper 90s and low 100s (35-38C), and I was complaining at work that I was having trouble keeping my snake's tank from overheating. So not one but TWO different people at work said that since...
  7. MakersMarked

    Did I just do something very stupid?

    I think I may have done something stupid. I've been meaning to switch Agitprop over to aspen from paper towel. So while she was in her feeding tub (eating like a champ even though she's blue), I decided to go ahead and put in aspen. I also put in a humid hide cuz this is her first shed with...
  8. MakersMarked

    vegetarian snakes!

    Everyone at work knows I'm a vegetarian. And over the past month, word has spread that I got a snake and that I feed it mice. And for some reason, this just does not compute. Generally, the second thing people ask (after "Ew! Why a snake?") is "How can a vegetarian feed mice to a snake?" It...
  9. MakersMarked


    I'm naturally just a high-strung person who stresses out about EVERYTHING, so last week, after my baby's first-ever meal with me, I had a nightmare that she regurged two adult mice (even though I'd only fed her one pinky) and then started shedding ALL of her skin layers so that she was just a...
  10. MakersMarked

    quick digestion

    It turns out the gram scale I used with my first corn is busted, so I haven't been able to start my new baby bloodred on the Munson Plan. I'll be buying a new scale in the next week or so, but until I do, I have a question: If my snake poops less than 24 hours after eating, is that an...
  11. MakersMarked

    Handling a new baby

    Finally, five years after giving away my first corn snake, I'm a snake owner again. My 3-month old (tomorrow!) female bloodred from Stephen Roylance arrived yesterday. (Thanks, Steve! She's gorgeous!) Following all the care sheets/guidebooks' advice, I put her directly into the viv to chill...
  12. MakersMarked

    Setting up UTH and thermostat

    I'm setting up a new tank for the baby I just ordered from Steve Roylance. I set up everything pretty much exactly the way I did for the baby corn I had 6 years ago, including suction cupping the thermostat probe directly to the bottom glass right above the UTH. But I've noticed all the care...
  13. MakersMarked

    Home alone

    What's the longest you've ever left your snake home alone without anyone to check on it? I don't have any concrete plans to leave town just yet, but it just occurred to me that when I do go on vacation, I don't have anyone to come and change the water bowl, much less feed a snake. I'm pretty...
  14. MakersMarked

    Taking it slow...

    Today's the beginning of Petco's dollar-a-gallon sale, so I went out and bought a tank and was going to buy a baby corn, but I'm pretty sure there were mites in their tank. Other local pet stores don't seem to have a great selection of corns either, so I think I might have to wait until the...
  15. MakersMarked

    getting back into it

    Hi, all. I had a cornsnake (0.1 ghost stripe) for almost 2 years until about 5 years ago when an emergency move forced me to give her up. I'm now thinking of getting another snake, but my three local herp stores aren't options anymore (two closed down; the other is now filthy and looks...