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Recent content by Mangrove

  1. Mangrove


    Test Test :flames::flames:
  2. Mangrove

    Here is a few of my corn’

    Here is a few of my own. I finally got my camera working. What do you think?
  3. Mangrove

    Making tank more attractive

    How do I make my tank more snakes friendly? It has aspen shavings so that kind of dulls the colors. I also added some vines but I need something to really give more color. I even added one of those fish tank backings that even made it a little more attractive. But I want something to really draw...
  4. Mangrove

    Today I found out lots aobut my snake, started out with a trip to the old Pet shop

    Well I have had my snake since the end of November now, so I took him back to the store I purchased him from. Radical Reptiles owned by Mr. Tim Curran. He is a widely known herpetologist that I was lucky enough to be able to buy my creamsicle corn from. He had that store and profession for 17...
  5. Mangrove

    Possible Infection?

    My corn snake shed the other month and a little bit of his shed stuck to the end of his tail, I haven’t been able to get it off and I tried everything, it is a tiny piece and I don’t think there is anything wrong, maybe it will come off next shed. Also I don’t want a build up of shed skin, I...
  6. Mangrove

    WOW what the heck

    Last night before I went to bed I looked in my snakes tank and he was moving around he was on the far left side near the water bowl and she progressively moved towards the right where the heat lamp and mat are. As he reached the extreme right and went under the turtle shell my breath started to...
  7. Mangrove

    Im sorry

    I know that I have been posting a lot of stupid information and been racking up the posts lately for the stupid and mindless items I have been putting lately. I also know that there has been a lot of talk about me lately even though no one has come out and stated my name. I am sincerely sorry...
  8. Mangrove


    I fed my corn yesterday and he struck the mouse so hard it started to bleed!! It was a rather small fuzzy a little smaller than I normally feed, but I was always wondering how strong a snake is considering it is like a 2 foot long muscle. But this proved it; I would never want my snake to...
  9. Mangrove

    a waste of time and of minimal importance

    Well I just wanted to let you all know that my birthday is in 8 days... ill try to post again when it is my birthday. Mabry I will be able to get another corn snake, or something for my snakes. I can’t wait with every year there is supposed to be more freedom. 8 DAYS!!!!!!!!!! :crazy02...
  10. Mangrove


    Now that this is the 3rd time my snake is going to shed i am getting use to it. I have always been told they will reject food when about to shed, but last time i feed she shed the next day?? and now she had not had a drink in a few days but i took her out earlier this morning, and when i was...
  11. Mangrove


    Well, today was the first time in 7 days I have fed my snake. My mother went out to the pet shop when I was in school and bought me a mouse... i mean like a mouse she said they didnt have any other fuzzys and didnt want to buy 2 pinkies. The mouse was more than 2 times the thickness of my corn...
  12. Mangrove

    Corn Rule The World???

    what will be the best pet??? i ahve housed Cornsnakes for the last 5 or 6 years and before that it was birds... Maccaws, the Hyacinth it might be one of the most beutifull birds in the world.. they are so smary we also had a green wing and like 10 parakeets birds are so smart... then we went to...
  13. Mangrove

    stupidity or just plain blind

    i dont know if it all has to do with instinct i mean my snake i odnt know why but if i feed her a large pinkey or a smaller fuzzy (shes about 2 feetlong) she just tries to choke it down and never constricts it anymore and i just dont understand it, i would think it would it would make it easier...
  14. Mangrove

    Over feeding

    i have been keeping to my scedule and i have gone every 5-7 days, but i dont think my snake went to the bathroom before the last time i feed her. she still ate, but i was wondering if it would be bad for her. and i was wondering if i should be moving up to the next size anytime soon... i know to...
  15. Mangrove


    i have a question with breeding mice. I was wondering how much room it took, and how long till a baby mouse is a fuzzy to a hopper to an adult. i cant have a female mouse have 10 babies that are gunna be an adult in like 2 weeks. but i odnt know the right information to start breeding them and...