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Recent content by norbert03

  1. N

    thank you to...

    ...everyone who responded to my request for a snow or creamsicle. i recently made a purchase from a local breeder, but will probably be buying a second snake in the fall and plan to go through a breeder from this site. i got a snow hatchling named alan. he is named after the deranged boy, alan...
  2. N

    i am back...

    ...i've been gone for months. there was an accident in january both of my snakes, norbert and aelfric died within hours of eachother. it was very strange and upsetting. i was discouraged and didn't replace them, but now i am considering making a new purchase this spring from cornutopia or a...
  3. N

    Philly Reptile Show...

    Last year I went to a show in Philly in November and I can't remember what show it was. I want to know the dates so I can plan to attend again. If anyone knows please share. Web address would be helpful. Thanks.
  4. N


    this never happened before. norbert was really quite violent with me last night before her feeding. she curled up and tried to bite me everytime i got within five inches of her. i couldn't calm her. i wasn't intimidated, i kept going for her, but it just got too hard and i could tell she was...
  5. N

    okay...so i moved...

    and my landlord gave me permission to keep my snakes in the apartment. i have a pretty small bedroom and i installed an air conditioner on sunday evening, it's a single room cooling unit. last night i had it on and i went to pick up aelfric the cremesicle and he was pretty cold to the touch...
  6. N


    has anyone ever seen this behavior? it appears that norbert jumps from one side of the tank to the other, i've only seen it once, last week before his meal. i went to grab him, he slithered through my hand and then leapt to the other side of the tank. common?
  7. N

    banging head on lid....

    aelfric has been trying desparately to escape for about three days now. he slithers up his vines and along side the upper rim of the enclosure and then he starts banging his head on the lid trying to get it to open. it's very interesting. he also seemed to be trying to bite his way out...
  8. N

    No Pets!

    i'm moving in a few weeks and my lease says "no pets." my room mate told me to keep the snakes on the down low, that they are "decorative pets" and the landlord is just concerned about animals that can cause damage or odors...cats, dogs, ferrets, etc...i don't want to get rid of my snakes, but...
  9. N

    softness (did a search first)

    alright, i'm sure there is topics similar to this one, but i can't locate the threads that contain the information i require soooo.... my yearling snow, norbert has a soft underbelly area from about the cloaca up to an inch from the head. it's a little mushy there, i'm not sure why, maybe it's...
  10. N

    green squares

    how do i get more green squares next to my reputation power points? i only have one and other people have many, i feel...inferior.
  11. N

    neurologically impaired...

    my hatchling, aelfric has a tendency to hang out up against the glass in the center of his enclosure. he stays put in this area for hours at a time, occasionally pacing back and forth, but staying very close to the glass. he digs into the substrate, but doesn't get very deep. he doesn't...
  12. N

    watery stool...

    last night i held a snake at a petstore and it went to the bathroom on the floor. the stool was VERY liquidy and there was a very small amount of white matter in the center of the mess. I guess it could be called diahrea. I am sure this is abnormal and a bad sign. Also, when the person...
  13. N


    last night i took aelfric out for play. his energy and swiftness has returned and i was not really concerning myself with his health anymore, but at one point he wrapped his tail around my finger and dangled himself freely for a minute and then his mouth opened so i gave him my other hand and...
  14. N

    GLUB reptile water...

    I was in a pet store last night picking up pinks and fuzzers and I saw GLUB, a specially treated water created for reptiles. They only had it in a half liter and it was about $4.00 and I pretty much concluded it was junk. I've been giving my snakes spring water straight out of a bottle that I...
  15. N

    Aelfric Is Back!!!

    I was sitting on my couch last night reading a book (LIFE EXPECTANCY by DEAN KOONTZ, read it, it's a real thriller) and from under the couch emerged my hatchling cremesicle, Aelfric who has been MIA since the end of January. He's back! I carefully picked him up and immediately offered him some...