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Recent content by progressive74

  1. P

    Normal behaviour?

    i have had my corn now for about a month and a half he is feeding very well and quite active in his viv every night, i thoughtt that it is time i started to handle my corn, so i put my hand in front of him so that he could see it and smell it, the i move towards him gentle he was fine up untill...
  2. P

    Here is my three month old classic

    here he is
  3. P

    When to move to fuzzies

    my corn has eaten twice in 7 days the last feeding was 2 days ago and he is out and about in his viv to day searching around(this means they are hungry right?) he is nearly 2 months old and feeding strong, is it time to move up the size of his meals?
  4. P

    surely not hungry again?

    i fed my snake 4 or 5 days agoc just after he shed(it had been 20 days since his last meal) and today he has been really active in his viv when ever i walk in he is out in the open, is this a sign that he is looking for food, previously he just hides all the time? he is 2 months old and the guy...
  5. P

    Enough of the biting

    I have had my corn for just over a month now and he has not calmed down at all every time i go near him he is in the strike postion. i am really worried that he will never calm down and i will be left with a snake that will be come dangrous when he gets older (i am sure that a mature snake...
  6. P


    I have just come home to find that my corn has now had his first shed which is great, when i got in he was out from under his bark and searching the viv, i attempted to feed him but he was simply not intrested and hid under a rock. it has now been twenty days since he last ate. should i be...
  7. P

    that old feeding thing again

    as some have you may of read on my previous post, my corn has not eaten for a while (14 days) and he is now in the blue eyed phase of shedding. i am worried becasue he is only a month and a half old, how long should i leave it after he has shed before i try and feed him?
  8. P

    best feeding times

    I fed my snake 11 days ago and i have tried to feed him again 3 days ago but he was not intrested. is this cause for concern yet? also when is the best time to fed a snake is during the day or at night? any help one this would be greatly appreacited
  9. P

    Any handling tips or hints out there?

    As some of you might be aware i recently aquired a new hatchling (My first) i have only had him for 6 days so far and as i expected he is nipping and tail rattling if my hands go near him(water bowl cleans etc), now i know that they take a while to get used to being handled but i was wondering...
  10. P

    Well that could have gone better

    Well after leaving my corn well and truly along for that last three days i decide it was time to feed him. i am not sure who was more nervous him or me. when i put my hand in the viv he was all over the place trying to get away. i got hold of him and took him in to the lounge to feed so that i...
  11. P

    My first corn snake

    well after about three weeks of intense reading and research i finally went out and bought my first ever pet and yes it was a corn snake. i must admit that i am quite nervous because there seems so much that can go wrong. at the moment it (MR. T) is curled up under a piece of bark and has been...