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Recent content by queensrook

  1. Q

    Reasonable pricing question, how much to pay?

    Let me know if this is inappropriate to ask here, it seemed the most likely place to put it. I have a question regarding pricing for corn snake sales. Pretty much every 'infofact' blog/video/etc I see says that Corns can be found for, like, $30-50 bucks and are super good starter snakes as a...
  2. Q

    Heating question for cold ambient environment

    Hello, heating question! I live in the pacific northwest where it's quite cold, and none of the rooms in my available living space get above 70 on their own, except maybe during rare summer days. The more usual ambient temperature is somewhere in the 60's, especially at night. Poising...
  3. Q

    Hello from Seattle!

    Hello all from the rainy cold of Seattle! Y'all can call me Kes, and I'm here to lurk and learn. I own a betta named Feemor but no snakes yet, but I'm quite interested in getting one, so I definitely have questions to ask. I'll save those for the questions forum, though. As a first...