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Recent content by raynefyre

  1. raynefyre

    4’ Neodasha Cages with Rack

    4’ long x 22” deep x 22” high each. Overall is 78” high. Comes with 3 cages as well as Cart with wheels. See link below for original company website. http://www.npicages.com/s48t_standard_48_reptile_cage.html
  2. raynefyre

    1.0 Vietnamese Blue Beauty Rat Snake

    CB 2015 1.0 Vietnamese Blue Beauty Rat Snake for sale. Roughly 18 months old and about 3'-4' in length. Regularly eating F/T rat weanlings each week. He's a quite spritely but calms down once out of his vivarium. I handle him daily (except directly after feedings of course). $160 + shipping...
  3. raynefyre

    Getting back in touch with my scaly roots. :)

    Hello. :) I started building my snake collection in college and quickly found the forum here. Most of my corns have come from breeders I've found on this site. It's probably been about 2 years or so since I've been active on here so I thought it was time for a re-introduction. My name is...
  4. raynefyre

    Looking for Breeder/Shipper in Orange County

    I posted a thread in the For Sale section about reducing my collection of corns. What I need though is someone who can possibly ship them out of state for me for an interested buyer. Is anyone interested in doing a deal for helping me? I'm in Orange County close to Disneyland.
  5. raynefyre

    Downsizing My Collection.

    Hello Everyone, My life has been going through some crazy changes lately and I can no longer give my snakes the full attention they deserve. Between a growing family, new job, and needing to move soon there's just not enough time in the day. :( It really saddens me, but I feel it's in their...
  6. raynefyre

    Rodentpro Order - Anyone wanna share a shipment?

    I'm doing a pretty bulk order to Orange County, CA and was wondering if anyone wanted to go together on shipping. I have about 44% free space in an oversized box. Let me know! :)
  7. raynefyre

    Anybody Hookah?

    I used to in college and recently picked one up. I smoke outside in my garden and it's really peaceful. Only flavored tobacco of course. I was wondering if anyone else did it too on the forum. And if you had any tips or secrets you have learned. Also it's always fun to share pics of what your...
  8. raynefyre

    Big Project: Custom Stacking Vivs (Photo Heavy)

    My boss is cleaning out our shop in order to have less to pack when we move to a bigger place. When I was the "going to the dump" pile I noticed a bunch of 3/4" plywood platforms with a nice metallic treatment/sealer on one side. I asked my boss if I could break them down and reuse the wood and...
  9. raynefyre

    Boo Baby

    Alina may be nothing super special, but she's still one of my favorites. I think everyone needs a Boo baby. :) (Thanks Susan!) I'm going to put more in her progression thread later.
  10. raynefyre

    My first attempt with a DSLR.

    I borrowed my roomie's Pentax K100D for really rough stumble into DSLR-land. He gave me a quick crash course on the basic functions and I took off to my snakes. I will admit, my first attempt with it was very rough. Only one of my pictures actually came out decent. I think my lens and lightning...
  11. raynefyre

    Pics From Feeding Day (Sunglasses Alert!!)

    Grabbed a few shots of my babies & yearlings during the past two feedings and thought I would share. :) Miyako - 2011 Anery Motley Serkan - 2011 Pied Blood (preshed) and post.. Rama - 2011 Charcoal Zuri - 2011 Normal (she didn't want to hold still for pictures) and Onibi -...
  12. raynefyre

    Californians, where do you get your food?

    I just moved to Orange County about 3 months ago, and my food supply is running low. I used to get my food from RodentPro at the local reptile show, but I don't see that being an option so far around here. So my question is.. where do you get your food? Is it easier/more affordable to order...
  13. raynefyre

    Emergency! Pinched in his tub. :(

    I came home from a holiday vacation to find Charlie had gotten himself wedged in a lip on his tub. (I've had him for 3 years now, 2 of them being in this tub with no problems.) I'm in total shock right now and have no clue what to do. :( He still has mobility throughout his whole body, but only...
  14. raynefyre

    Zuri - 2011 Normal

    One of my new babies from Kyle (ForkedTung) at Buckeye River Reptiles for my Amel/Blood/Charcoal/Pied project. :) Her name means "beautiful" in Swahili. I love her name (and her!) because even though she is a "normal" she still has stunning colors (and some funky spots in her pattern) which...
  15. raynefyre

    Serkan - 2011 Pied Blood

    One of my new babies from Kyle (ForkedTung) at Buckeye River Reptiles for my Amel/Blood/Charcoal/Pied project. :) His name is Turkish literally meaning "blood head" but also means "of noble blood." He has some wicked looking pied going on, especially up by his neck. I can't wait to see what he...