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Recent content by Saml8

  1. S

    Blueish urates

    Anyone ever see blueish urates? I fed my corn snake 6 days ago (adult mouse) and this is what her urates looked like. They've never looked like this before. **can't figure out how to upload the photo
  2. S

    How often should I feed

    Snow: 20 to 24 months 364g 39/40" long She's a pet not a breeder I'm feeding 1 adult mouse every 8 days ** I've read the Munson feeding schedule and it mentions adult females are generally fed every 6 to 8 days, however it also mentions brumation so I'm assuming this...
  3. S

    Mouse was too big

    I may have fed my corn snake too big of a mouse... I picked up a mouse today and all they had were large adult mice. Once I got it home it looked pretty big so I weighed it and it's more like a jumbo mouse. Although I've been feeding her small adults I went ahead and offered it. She grabbed it...
  4. S

    New pack of "weaned mice" to small

    I picked up a 10 pack of "weaned mice" from an expo. I weighed a few and they're weighing about 10 - 12g, so more like hopper size. My corn is about 170 - 180g. Obviously these are much smaller than what she should be getting… Any suggestions on being able to still feed these off? Feed her more...
  5. S

    The different looks of snow

    I am very new to having a snake. I've had my snow corn for about 7 months (she's probably about a year old) and as she sheds there's a greenish color that is showing up around the borders. I've looked at pictures of the snow morph and there seems to be a wide variation in the colors. Can...
  6. S

    Missing scale??

    My snow just shed and I noticed a spot on her. When I enlarge the picture it looks like a missing scale..?? Any ideas on how this can happen? Usually she sheds in one full piece, however this time it was in 2 pieces.
  7. S

    She's been in blue for awhile

    Hi, my snow corn is 9 to 12 months old & I've had her for about six months. Up until this month she has shed every month and would be in blue for about two days and then she another two days after that . It's now been about seven weeks since her last shed and she's been in blue for about 5-6...
  8. S

    Do I have to brumate

    Do you have to brumate your corn snake if you don't plan on breeding her? She's 9 to 12 months old. Thanks!
  9. S

    Feeding while in clear stage after blue...?

    Hi all! So my corn went into blue 3 days ago which was feeding day (I feed every 7 days). I decided not to try and feed her because we were going out of town for 3 days. We got back today and it appears she is in the clear stage (no shed yet). I've read people say they do not offer food during...
  10. S

    Where to you put your thermostat probe?

    When I first got my young corn snake she never used the hides and just stayed under the substrate. So I put the probe under substrate on the glass with the temp set at 84. As she's gotten more comfortable she's started hanging out in an exo terra gecko hide. I have this hide on the side of the...
  11. S

    Damaged tail or stuck shed??

    My little 6 month old had stuck shed 2 days ago. I soaked her and it appeared that the rest of the shed came off. I woke up this morning and saw this... it almost looks damaged but I don't know what a stuck shed looks like once it starts causing damage. Up until this last shed she looked great.
  12. S

    Albino's and blue phase/shed

    Hi everyone, I picked up my snow corn almost a month ago. She ended up shedding a few days after I got her so I didn't get to see the blue phase. She's around 5 or 6 months old so I'm assuming she'll be shedding in the next couple of weeks. Is it easy to tell when an albino goes into blue i.e...
  13. S

    Corn ate pinky while it was still alive

    I picked up a few pinkys that had been "pre-killed" with co2... got them home and one was still alive :awcrap: so I fed that one to my snake however she did not constrict it, just ate it while it was alive. Besides that being a bit difficult to watch should I be concerned that it was still...
  14. S

    UTH safe/fire hazard

    I'm a new snake owner and I've read a few threads regarding UTH mats being left on versus turned off if you are not home due to fire hazard. Mine is hooked up to a thermostat. I will be gone for two days (one night). I've read people saying it should be turned off if you're going to be out of...
  15. S

    Feeding and pooping

    I fed my new 4-6 mos old corn for the first time 1 week ago. According to the weight/feeding chart I should feed her 2 pinkies. However the reptile store's pinkies were larger size almost fuzzies. So I took 2 home, fed her only one of them (8 days ago). The pinkie only left a small lump which...