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Recent content by scmartin27

  1. scmartin27

    cutting mice before feeding

    Hello all, I'm here to dig up the dead! Can anyone actually provide a link to the study? The charts are not showing up anymore, it being 20 years later & all. I want to see THE study if anyone can find it. I read "SAC newsletter" but not sure exactly hat that is. Thanks!
  2. scmartin27

    Let's talk about Leopard!

    First time I remember hearing of these it was on facebook and I believe it was Jereme Brace in 2018. It was briefly called Jaguar instead, but settled on Leopard. Laura Britvec also had some around the same time, and she mentioned purchasing them at the San Diego reptile expo that same year...
  3. scmartin27

    How are GOLDENS "any" different than Caramels?

    Another update on my corner of the project. Still no visuals. We had 5.8 breeding size snakes in this project, and not one of those females had any fertile eggs. One of the males did breed with an ultramel, though, so we at least have another group of 50% poss hets! Which is all I've been able...
  4. scmartin27

    2023 Wild Mutant Line Breedings

    Any update on the golden & het golden breedings?? I'm on the edge of my seat!
  5. scmartin27

    Halo Corn Snakes

    I have noticed that variation. Some seem to be very YELLOW in the borders, while others are more of that translucent limey color. Both can happen in the same clutch, and either can come from either look of parent. I'm personally thinking it's just natural variation, but I have not done any more...
  6. scmartin27

    Halo Corn Snakes

    Hi Neal! I continue to breed them as I have been, and the incomplete-dominance is still the reigning theory here with very little reason to question it. What things are you looking to know exactly?
  7. scmartin27

    Possible Golden Breedings

    I wasn't exactly sure if I should be posting this here, or in the "Breeding" section of the forums... This is partially to do with keeping track of who I've bred to whom (snake-wise, obviously), but also partially to let everyone know where things are with the Golden project. As things stand...
  8. scmartin27

    Best Way to Test an Invisible Gene...? Halo corn snakes

    The title may be a little misleading. But I'll explain. First: If you have not read my forum thread about HALO corn snakes, you may want to start there. Yes it's long, I'm sorry! I'll summarize here so those who don't want to be fully educated can at least get the gist and offer some reasonable...
  9. scmartin27

    "Extreme" Locality by JMG...?

    I recently recalled a conversation I had with David Partington where he mentioned the Extreme locality. Jeff Galewood Sr. was apparently the one to find them... I was hoping someone had more information on them? Dave's page "PartiCorns" has photos of them (I'll link to that page, but since they...
  10. scmartin27

    PurpleX / Purple Ex - any info?

    Hello everyone! A few months back I saw a facebook post in a corn snake group about these "PurpleX" corn snakes (some people calling them "Ex Purple" or "Purple Ex"). They were lavenders with high pink and purple saturation. When I questioned the breeders about what genes were involved (I...
  11. scmartin27

    New Book - Cornsnake Cultivar Compilation, Volume 1: Histories of Base Mutations

    Hello everyone! I recently finished my first book - Cornsnake Cultivar Compilation, Volume 1: Histories of Base Mutations They are available now, both EBook (PDF that can be read on any computer or smartphone) and physical versions. I wasn't sure where on this site to post about it, but Rich...
  12. scmartin27

    Halo Corn Snakes

    In 2014, Don Soderberg of SMR posted a photo of a High White Amel that had neon yellow saddle borders on his Facebook page. I had a handful of Snows with the same borders, so I commented with a photo of one. Don mentioned to me that it would be interesting if someone figured out what those...
  13. scmartin27

    Morph Histories?

    Hello everyone! I'm Sarah Mohr and I *think* this is the first time I'm posting in this forum...? I've been into corn snakes for over 10 years, been breeding for almost that long, and I read these forums all the time - I just never post! So today I'm actually hoping for some help: I'm looking...
  14. scmartin27

    First to Produce the GHOST corn?

    I'm compiling a history of morphs and who produced the first of each one. I'm sure it will be impossible to get them all, but there are a few I think are feasible. I am wondering who the first person to combine Anery+HypoA was, and when? General dates work, it doesn't have to be exact. I...
  15. scmartin27

    What morphs?

    Hi all! i have this beautiful female corn snake but cant really figure out what morph she is... my best guess is lavender, charcoal, diffused - she was called "garnet" when i bought her, but i have no clue what genes are there. I also got this male, not knowing what morph he was, he just looked...