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Recent content by sdmessmer

  1. sdmessmer

    ASF mouse question

    I have my first litter of African Soft Fur mice born yesterday. I have heard that they can be touchy about their babies when they are disturbed. Is it safe to clean their cage, or should I wait until the babies are a week or two old? Older than that? The cage does not smell, but I can see it...
  2. sdmessmer

    Calling all mouse genetics experts!

    I only have one colony of mice. I got a couple of litters by my new brindle stud mouse out of a silver agouti banded and a red eyed fawn. Brindle seems to be a dominate gene and my stud must be hetero for the trait since about half the babies are brindle and half not. I would like to hold back...
  3. sdmessmer

    aurora borealis corns?

    There is someone at our local herp club trying to sell something he calls aurora borealis corns. Has anyone heard of such a morph? I did a search and came up with nothing. I'm waiting to see pics of these snakes. Silvia
  4. sdmessmer

    Candy cane anery/charcoal

    Has anyone produced one? I am imagining a black and white snake. Silvia
  5. sdmessmer

    1.2 rat colony available in AZ

    No shipping! I'm cutting back for summer. These rats pop out 13-14 pups in a litter. One of the moms is weaning off a litter right now (I'm keeping) and the other is ready to pop out another litter (yours). Excellent mothers, they do not kill babies and will feed each other's pups. The male...
  6. sdmessmer

    Tired of mice, going to gerbils as feeders?

    I'm thinking of feeding off all my mice and going to gerbils until my snakes are big enough to go to rat pups. I did a search and found that gerbil pinks are a good size for hatchlings. I understand I will probably be housing them in pairs, but at least I will not have to deal with stinky...
  7. sdmessmer

    How long from first breeding to laying?

    I bred my first two corns today after several other introductions were not successful. In general, how soon could I expect eggs if this breeding took? Silvia
  8. sdmessmer

    Stinky feeders!

    I have a 2:6 mouse colony and a 1:4 rat colony. Becaue of where I live they have to be in my home. I clean the cages twice a week but they still stink! I've been using paper shreds from my home office shredder as bedding. What all have you used for bedding that has helped the smell? I have...
  9. sdmessmer

    where do you buy your feeders?

    Where is a good place to buy feeder mice? I have been getting my mice from a local pet store and they are expensive. I only have three corns so far, and they are all different sizes. Silvia
  10. sdmessmer

    New snake quarantine proceedures?

    I'm getting my daughter her second corn snake. I want to quarantine the new snake away from the first one. How far away should this be? Other end of the room, a different room, other end of the house, a different house? How long do you usually quarantine a new snake? What do you look...