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    Registration is FREE, so please register so you can participate instead of remaining a lurker....

    Please be certain that the location field is correctly filled out when you register. All registrations that appear to be bogus will be rejected. Which means that if your location field does NOT match the actual location of your registration IP address, then your registration will be rejected.

    Sorry about the strictness of this requirement, but it is necessary to block spammers and scammers at the door as much as possible.

Shannon Hiatt

Washingon state native but a desert rat in the El Paso area since 1982. No longer hunt the roads due to restrictive Texas laws; now I am a deli cup hunter.

Herpetoculture; photography; hybridizing iris; shooting sports
US Government, Department of the Army civilian; taught college English from 1985 until 2005. Now I work in the Staff & Faculty Division teaching future Army and civilian instructors.
How did you hear about CornSnakes.com?
Surfed in


Shannon Hiatt
Quality Reptiles, Texas
ACR Breeder 140