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Recent content by Shiari

  1. Shiari

    Dark Charcoals

    As a whole, the females seem to be darker than the males. Tourmaline is a bit of an outlier because she isn't from the main line, which is the maternal lineage.
  2. Shiari

    Dark Charcoals

    Got pictures with most of Onyx' relatives! Larune is a half-sister through their mother, Gabby. Tourmaline is Onyx' niece through her half-brother Aurelian (a lavender now owned by a friend) through their father Gallium. Jet is the lightest colored, but his diffusion is incredible and he's...
  3. Shiari

    Dark Charcoals

    Some of them have extra black on the belly, and some do not. All of my holdbacks so far are masque as well. From what I've seen of the black diamonds, they're currently darker as a whole, but mine seem to be more uniform in color. Darker coloration will come with time and more selective...
  4. Shiari

    Dark Charcoals

    One of the few times I regret growing my kiddos slow. Onyx and Coal are definitely the darkest of my holdbacks. Their offspring in 2026 are going to be incredible.
  5. Shiari

    Let's talk about Leopard!

    Today on "this is not what I expected" from breeding my anery leopard motley to my ultramel charcoal motley... (later I get to play the fun game of 'is that hypo or is that ultramel?')
  6. Shiari

    SpiritSerpents 2024 pairings

    Well, the first of the motleys from Athael (ultramel charcoal motley het anery) to Pard (anery leopard motley) has pipped. Athael is an excellent classic Motley with a full pattern from head to vent. She was breed to a stripe last year and all her babies were full classic motleys in appearance...
  7. Shiari

    SpiritSerpents 2024 pairings

    Got better photos of my snakelets to choose keepers from. There's actually 2 charcoals and 3 phantoms. I miscounted. Banded baby is a female and is definitely staying. 4 out of the 5 have eaten. Only holdout is one of the charcoals so far.
  8. Shiari

    Help? With egg laying

    How far up is the 1 egg left? If it's up high, I would take her to the vet. She may need a calcium injection (oxytocin doesn't really do squat in reptiles) like my girl did. If it's right at the vent the vet may be able to gently expel it manually. If it's really low like that some people wait a...
  9. Shiari

    Hi could anyone identify what corn snake this is.

    Neither OP's snake, nor this picture, are of an okeetee-phase snake. OP's snake is a gorgeous borderless normal masque, which is about as far from an okeetee-phase than a normal can get.
  10. Shiari

    SpiritSerpents 2024 pairings

    I ended up with 4 charcoal based babies. I didn't pay too close attention and I have either 2 charcoals and 2 phantoms, or 1 charcoal and 3 phantoms. They are all keepers at this time, being het for anery and lavender, and possibly het for motley. Their mother is possible het amel but has not...
  11. Shiari

    SpiritSerpents 2024 pairings

    Sova's clutch shed out- I have the one teeny normal, some aneries, some very dark ghosts, and 2 moonstones. One of which is kinked. No signs of charcoal, but it's only 9 eggs from a het to het breeding. Talun's clutch has all pipped, even if the last isn't out of the egg yet. Normals, aneries...
  12. Shiari

    My first clutch

    Those are most certainly stripes!
  13. Shiari

    SpiritSerpents 2024 pairings

    Sova's clutch proved very anery-type heavy... 8 of 9 babies are *some* flavor of anerythrism. I think I have either a pair of moonstones or a charcoal lavender and a moonstone, and one baby that might be a carbon? They're currently shedding. All those babies are very small, around 4 grams...
  14. Shiari

    Snake eggs are not hatching

    Do you have the two clutches mixed together??? I mean, they'll be easy to tell apart but part of my confusion was a supposed okeetee and a palmetto being from the same clutch
  15. Shiari

    Snake eggs are not hatching

    Congrats! I'm still waiting on my clutch from 5/18 What were the parents? Abbott okeetee is a specific lineage- if neither parent was an abbott okeetee then the babies aren't either.