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Recent content by Snakexperience

  1. S

    Breeders Expo Europe

    As most of you probably know, the rather new Breeders Expo Europe in Rheda, Germany was set up to offer all of us hobbyists a place where we can buy, trade, sell and show our prides and finest in a healthy, decent, well organized and above all fun environment. After being there last weekend and...
  2. S

    Another outside pic thread :D

    Here are some more, the weather has been perfect these past few days! Arjan - 1.0 anery pewter '07 - 1.0 ghost bloodred '08 - 1.0 ghost motley (?) '08 - 1.0 granite het. hypo, charcoal '08 - 1.0 granite het. hypo '07
  3. S

    Some outdoor pics

    It was very nice weather these past days, so i took some snakes out in the sun. Enjoy! Arjan - Anery motley-striped het. opal '08 - Fire motley '08 - Ghost het. bloodred, motley '08 - Hypo bloodred '08 - Hypo motley het. snow '08
  4. S

    This weekend's photoshoot

    I was feeding and weighed some of the snakes today, enjoy! Arjan - Anery pewter '07 - Bloodred het. hypo '05 and hypo het. anery, bloodred '06 - Bloodred motley '07 - Fire motley '07 - Ice '06 and bloodred '07
  5. S

    German Hamm/BEE show purchases :-)

    I wonder what everybody brought home from the German Hamm show yesterday or the BEE show today. We went to the Hamm show yesterday. My intentions were to look for a nice male for my albino Hondurensis female, a couple of alterna Blair's and whatever Rosy boa's i could get my hands on. For...
  6. S

    Two more '09 breedings

    This is going to be fun, i really can't wait!! Arjan - f1 Upper Keys x bloodred x the same (4 pics) - Lava sunkissed x sunkissed
  7. S

    Lexcorn hypo lavs!

    These just rock!! Arjan
  8. S

    Home early today..

    so i took some pics :D I hope to produce a lot more of these this year! Enjoy! Arjan - sunkissed het. lava female - hypo bloodred female - hypo motley het snow female - hypo bloodred female
  9. S

    The weekly photoshoot continues..

    Here are some of this year's breeders :D Arjan - 1.2 Anery motley/striped het. hypo '07 - Coral snow motley poss het/homo bloodred and fire poss het motley '07 - Ghost poss het plasma '07 (2x) - Granite het hypo and ghost bloodred '06 and '07
  10. S

    Weekly fotoshoot

    Enjoy! - Anery motley-striped het. opal - Probable hypo ultra anery motley - Anery bloodred het. hypo, charcoal - Fire motley - Fire motley
  11. S

    A few daylight pics..

    Some of these guys & girls' colors are just amazing! Arjan - fire motley - fire striped/cubed - granite - ghost bloodred - lavender motley
  12. S

    One of this year's breedings

    And it's going to be a fun one, at least i hope so :D It's coralsnow motley poss het./ homo bloodred x fire poss het. motley, hypo. Arjan
  13. S

    Sunday pics

    Sunday is always THE day for my snakes so i took some pics while cleaning and feeding :D Arjan - Pewter poss het. lava (3x) - Pewter ( @ Susan: this is the pewter i bred to one of my sunkissed females last year :D) (2x)
  14. S

    Some of today's pics

    Just been playing with the 100 mm macro lens, i find it hard to get the entire animal sharp in the picture while maintaining it's true colors and contrasts.. Anyone got any idea? Arjan - Fire motley - Granite het. hypo,charcoal - Hypo bloodred - Anery motley-striped het. lavender - Bloodred...
  15. S

    Today's shoot

    I had a few freshly sheds which needed to be photographed! :p Arjan - Fire motley '08 - Hypo bloodred '08 - Ghost bloodred '08 - Granite het. hypo, charcoal '08