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Recent content by spaghetti

  1. S

    Spaghetti's DIY Hide/Burrow

    Credit goes to the supernoodle, because he has created a DIY.... for himself. I'm sure many have seen this behaviour before with noodles that like to dig, but recently I realized there was an opportunity for something more special when I accidentally made his substrate a little too moist the...
  2. S

    "If I fits, I sits" Shelf

    Thought I'd share the shelf (this is version 2) I made for Spaghetti. His favorite place in the world when he isn't buried under the dirt. The first version had a paperboard shelf, but he pooped on it and it soaked it up, making it gross. I needed to replace it will something I could wipe off...
  3. S

    Random Snake Thoughts. What are yours?

    - I like to joke that without the need to be in survival mode constantly, he has the time to sit around becoming a philosopher. Sometimes, I believe it.
  4. S

    Suction Cup Climber Wall for Youngins

    When Spaghetti was younger, his desire to climb inspired me to turn the side of the tank into a climbing wall out of suction cups. The pet store had hardly anything for climbing needs. He loved it, and easy to move around to create new climbing challenges. Could really see him working his whole...