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Recent content by stephen

  1. stephen

    Adult Cornsnake group

    Selling the rest of my corn snake collection most snakes are just hets want to sell the whole group in one sale please contact me for more info [email protected] please email me would prefer local sale in S California
  2. stephen

    1.1 Bloodred Motleys

    One pair Bloodred Motleys 50% het Hypo and Lavender $150 shipped [email protected]
  3. stephen

    Sunkissed Bloodred

    Sunkissed Bloodred Male $175 Shipped Add a Sunkissed Female (het Bloodred) $25 More! [email protected]
  4. stephen

    1.1 Amel Sunkissed

    One Pair Amel Sunkisseds 50% het Stripe and Caramel feeding in f/t pinkys $150 Shipped [email protected]
  5. stephen

    Sundust! (Sunkissed Goldust)

    Sunkissed Goldust Female Feeding on F/t Pinkys! $225. Shipped !!! [email protected]
  6. stephen

    Bloodred Motleys

    2014 Bloodred Motleys $75. each Plus shipping feeding on pinky mice email [email protected]
  7. stephen

    Bloodred Motleys

    Poss Het Lavender !
  8. stephen

    Amel Sunkissed?

    This baby hatched out from hets amel stripe sunkissed
  9. stephen

    Ultramel Sunkissed

    Last year baby!
  10. stephen

    Red Factor Fire Stripe

    This is a last years baby coloring up fast! :cheers:
  11. stephen

    Anery Goldust Stripe

    He is turning out really cool looking! :cheers:
  12. stephen

    Rhino Raxx

    20 tub shoebox rack 200 picked up also will include some little crock water dishs http://www.boaphileplastics.com/new-raxx/20-shoe.jpg
  13. stephen

    Nice Motley

    Not sure what this one is
  14. stephen

    Amelanistic Sunkissed Baby (Neon Lines)

    I took him outside for some natural light pictures,if its a male he is a keeper if its a female she will be for sale:cheers:
  15. stephen

    2012 Sunkissed Caramel

    This is the only one I produced last year she eats like a pig 3 large pinks for a snack!:cheers: