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Recent content by Suzy

  1. Suzy

    Week In Review: March 21 - March 27th

    Welcome to this week's Week in Review! I am taking over this week for Lori. This will be a big WIR, so please hold off on commenting until I am finished. Thanks! New Members: Don't forget to stop over and welcome our newest members! Tonatiuh-MX Smokey-Steve Malice SUBZERO WolfKin...
  2. Suzy

    '07 Normal Motley - Alex (DUW)

    It's been quite a while since I've had him out for a photo shoot. As of right now, he is 1/2" shy of 4 feet and he weighs right around 350 grams. It's been quite a change from when I got him! That's all for me for now. Thanks for looking! :)
  3. Suzy

    Happy Birthday, Rich in KY!

    Happy Birthday, Rich! :cheers: Have a Birthday Cake!
  4. Suzy

    Marta and Magdalena: '09 Normals het. Sunkissed Snow (DUW)

    I got these two as a part of a trio from Silvergrin, and I couldn't be happier with them. I would have gotten pictures of Marco (the male), but he is in blue now. This is Magdalena, and I love her head markings and pattern. She's got a few aberrant saddles, which I thought was really neat...
  5. Suzy

    Daisy and Diego - '08 Normal and '09 Bloodred: DUW!

    I got these two from Kyle (ForkedTung) a few months ago, and I am absolutely in love with them. Daisy is the most active of my Corns, and she will frequently hang out and watch me. Diego is a feisty little guy, which I absolutely love! He is finally starting to get the 'bleeding' effect on his...
  6. Suzy

    An introduction of my '09 Spider Ball Python - Aranya! (Major DUW)

    I'm going to start with a long story first, though! Last summer, there was a contest on another forum specifically for Ball Pythons. There was a normal female BP who was bred with a number of different morphed males - 18 to be exact. The contest was to guess the morph, gender, and weight of...
  7. Suzy

    Yet another Kingsnake eating it's tail story...

    With a happy ending! (No pun intended.) I just saw this on another forum, and I thought everybody might enjoy this one. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1232276/Snake-bind-eating-tail.html?ITO=1490
  8. Suzy

    Newest Acquisitions - Marco, Marta, and Magdalena: '09 Normals Het Sunkissed Snow

    I just got these guys today after drooling over them for quite some time. I got them from Silvergrin here on the forums, and I would absolutely recommend her to anybody who wants a gorgeous snake! Thanks, Adie! I'm going to start off with Marco. He weighed in at 8.5 grams (and he's the...
  9. Suzy

    New Acquisiton #2 - '08 Female Classic (Daisy) - DUW!

    This is Diego's counterpart, Daisy. She's an '08 Classic het Bloodred, poss. het Charcoal, Amel, Hypo, and Pied-Sided. She also came from Kyle, and I am in love with her! She's got a bit of a sassy attitude, but I love her for it. :) She actually tail rattled at me twice within the first week...
  10. Suzy

    New Acquisiton #1 - '09 Male Bloodred (Diego) - DUW!

    I would like to introduce Diego to you guys! He is an '09 Male Bloodred poss. het Charcoal, Amel, Hypo, and Pied-Sided. I acquired him from Kyle (ForkedTung) of Buckeye River Reptiles. Thanks, Kyle! I should mention that the pictures aren't the greatest quality, and I apologize for that. I...
  11. Suzy

    Week In Review: August 30, 2009 - September 5, 2009

    Hey, everybody! This is going to be a long WIR, so I ask that you please refrain from posting until this is complete. Thanks! Welcome New Members! kingkong TxMomto4 Snakies1972 puppydog Grimjack oculus johnmehi Urban_M86 aldy RosieReal Artiista Topics of Interest bapkate wants to know how...
  12. Suzy

    WIR: August 16, 2009 - August 22, 2009

    I'm filling in for TripleMoonsExotic this week! This is my first WIR so be gentle! ;) And I ask that you please refrain from posting until the last post. Thank you! New Members: Iloveak47 Ikes Pierre28 Tinybubbles Boojagirl Shining Apprentice Kerry and Gareth JerzPro Amc0405 Wahoowhippets...
  13. Suzy

    Update on my '07 Normal Motley (DUW: 10 large pictures)

    I just took these pictures this afternoon, so they're as current as could be. As of his last measurement he was 275 grams and 37" in length. He's a big boy now! His headmarkings have all but disappeared. His saddles - you can see how much frosting he has now: It's an upside down...
  14. Suzy

    Happy Birthday, Robbie!

    Happy 21st Birthday, Robbie! Have an awesome one! :cheers:
  15. Suzy

    Question for Black Milk owners

    I've been meaning to ask this, but I keep forgetting. Since it's on my mind now, I'll ask! :) I've got an '08 male Black Milk, and I've had him since October. Since getting him, I've noticed that he has a scent about him. Initially, I thought it was something from the breeder's house, but he's...