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Recent content by tbtusk

  1. T

    Best Offer by Friday - 30- and 18-hatchling racks + thermostat (New England Area)

    (This is an update of my previous post. Don't seem to have thread-editing privileges. Mods, feel free to delete my last post if you like) I have to get rid of my 30- and 18-hatchling racks by Friday (July 8th). Otherwise they are going to the dump. Pick up in Concord, NH or possible delivery to...
  2. T

    30- and 18-hatchling racks for sale, New England area

    I'm selling my two hatchling racks. Both with 3" flexwatt belly heat, and in good condition. Each tub approx 3.5 x 7 x 12 inches. I also have a high-wattage thermostat with an extra-long temp probe cord. Pick up from Concord, New Hampshire. Delivery may be possible to southern NH or MA. 18...
  3. T

    Adults - Proven & Otherwise

    Sadly I need to reduce my collection a bit so I'll be offering the following adult corns for sale. Pictures to follow in a bit. Female Snow unknown het - $40 - Was a pet before I got her. Huge girl, very healthy, although unproven and unknown age Male Normal het snow stripe - $40 - 2001...
  4. T

    31 hatchlings - $400 must be sold

    It's been a while since I've been around the forums (nearly 2 years), but I'm glad to be back. Sadly, I'm back because I will be taking an internship on the west coast and need to sell my entire clutch this year out-of-egg. I have 31 eggs from a pairing of a big, bright male normal hatched by...
  5. T

    Aurora, Serrano, and Archimedes

    I've just finished doing some photo shoots with the snakes. It wasn't planned, but it was a bit of a family event for them. Enjoy! 1&2: Aurora, my RO. The mom 3&4: Serrano, an ultramel het caramel pos. het mot. The daughter 5&6: Archimedes, Golddust het mot. The dad
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    Incubator disaster

    Well this really sucks. I'd been in a great mood all day until this. Hey, tomorrow I am going to start my college tours of with Harvard. Pretty exciting IMO I was going to bed maybe an hour ago and decided, why not, I'll just check the eggs one last time to see if they had started pipping...
  7. T

    Frilled Dragons

    So just read a Reptiles magazine from a little while ago, and it re-instilled in me a bit of frilly-madness. I'm curious if anyone on the forums owns or has ever owned one. If you have, please post some pics!
  8. T

    '09 keepers!

    I've finally picked out my keepers from my amel stripe het caramel X golddust het mot clutch this year and I couldn't be happier with them! First 2 are of the ultramel mot male. The second photo shows of his real colors. Can't wait to see him in a year or so. The third one is of the fear...
  9. T

    How good an indicator for het diffused/stripe/motley...

    Well I have been wondering if my two year old ultramel het caramel 50% ph motley is actually het motley. She has a clear stripe down the middle of her belly, a marker suggesting she is het, but as has been said rather often, this is not a definite sign. So I was wondering. It seems we often...
  10. T

    Motley or normal pattern?

    This ultramel just shed today after hatching last week. His stomach is partially checkered, especially towards the tail, but the rest of his ventral looks motley. His pattern appears to be normal, but I know there's a range to the look of motleys. Could someone with a bit more experience...
  11. T

    Ultramel and amel motleys

    lots of them! This clutch hatched about four days ago now. 23 assorted ultramels, amels, and motleys of each.
  12. T

    Vet sugesting surgery if this egg doesn't make its wasy out...

    Hello everyone. Its been a while since I've been on the forums, and I'm sorry to come back with bad news! I've run into a bit of a problem and figured this is the best place to turn. Here's the story. 10 days ago Raya started laying a massive clutch of 29 gorgeous eggs. 48 hours later she...
  13. T

    can't wait for the breeding season...

    I know its not even January, but my adults just started getting warmed up today, so for me at least, the seasons feeling just around the corner. Any fun project you've got planned that your willing to share? I'm hoping for a successful clutch from my amel stripe female this year and seeing...
  14. T

    Serrano's first pics in 9 months!!

    I haven't taken any pictures of Serrano for 9 months now. I thought it was about time i did. First, here she is in February and March, respectively. The next three pics are from today. Quite the change, but I think a little bit of it might have to do with the not-so-perfect lighting. Enjoy!
  15. T

    Naming ideas for a Charcoal het Amel?

    So this is a bit of an interesting snake. I've just bought this charcoal from Jynx, and she'll need a name once she arrives sometime after christmas. Theres a picture in this thread.http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/showthread.php?t=75371 But the bit that i thinks really interesting, and very...