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Recent content by The_Saiyajin

  1. The_Saiyajin

    What am I? Help needed

    Hello everyone, well its been quite some time that I posted here, but well I am back! And I come to you with a corn, that really give us a headache. We bought her as a snow. Well its obvious, that its not a normal one. She is a female from 2017. Breeder unknown. She is definitely Motley or...
  2. The_Saiyajin

    2014 breeding projects

    Here are the first pairings for the comming year. There will be more to come the next weeks and I will add them here. We will be at Hamm shows and at Houten, if everything goes well and if anyone is interested in some stuff. Tessera Projekte Amel Tessera het Charcoal, Diffused phet Anery...
  3. The_Saiyajin

    Some 2013 keepers

    Here are a few new pics of my 2013 keepers. 1. 0.1 Amel Tessera het Diffused, Caramel, Hypo 2. 1.0 Anery Tessera motley*striped het Amel/Ultra, Caramel 3. 0.1 Auratum Tessera het Striped 4. 1.0 Pewter Tessera 5. 0.1 Piedsided Ghost Diffused (Strawberry?) phet Charcoal Motley
  4. The_Saiyajin

    Some neat keepers after 2nd shed

    Here are some of the nicest snakes I have ever hatched. Have fun. Greetings Chris
  5. The_Saiyajin

    Auratum(orange?) Tessera stripeds and more (pic heavy)

    Here are some nice animals we bred the last weeks. We were really surprised that our tessera male is het for striped as well :D Please enjoy: Auratum (suspected orange) Tessera Striped (worlds first?!) 1.1 Auratum tesseras Snow Tessera possible Toffee
  6. The_Saiyajin

    Whiteout * Sunkissed * wtf

    Hey ppl We paired our Whiteout het Anery, Caramel with our Sunkissed gazer free male and had a good clutch of 21 eggs. Last week, they started to hatch. And we got a really big surprise after seeing an amel and finally a snow tessera!? It must be left from the last years pairing with our...
  7. The_Saiyajin

    some cool stuff from germany :)

    We made some pics of some of our corns. Hope you like them :) First are: 0.1 Strawberry Hypo Motley 1.0 Diamond Diffused het Anery phet Amel 0.1 Ice Diffused het Charcoal phet Amel 0.1 Tessera phet Cinder Diffused Anery Hypo 1.0 Lava from Hessel Duijffs Lava Okeetee Line
  8. The_Saiyajin

    Pairings 2013 from us

    First of all I am saying, I am sorry for not putting pics in for now. They will follow, but I dont find the time atm to put them from handy and resize them. The following pairings at least hooked up once-three times by now and the first females are getting ready to shed. Tessera het Anery...
  9. The_Saiyajin

    Houten 2012. More then expected :D

    So we are back from the Houten Snakeday Show 2012 and got some amazing snakes this year. Here are some. Greetings Chris
  10. The_Saiyajin

    Some adults from us

    Hey ppl. We shot some pics of some adults we have yesterday. My GF edited our HP and so she said we need new pics. So here are some. Hope you like them. Greetings Chris
  11. The_Saiyajin

    New Tessera pics

    There we go. The tesseras of the first clutch are nrea the third shed but before they go, I thought, I would make some new pics of them. Also there are some pics of animals from the second clutch, which are one shed behind and one month younger. Greetings Chris
  12. The_Saiyajin

    Strawberry..more then just recessive?!

    So here I am again.... I have tried to get as many new informations about strawberry as I could find and all I find is what I already knew. Strawberry is sharing the same locus then Hypo. And that is, what I believe wrong OR at least not all. I am saying that the strawberry trait is a dominant...
  13. The_Saiyajin

    PIC request: Hatchling strawberries FAST PLZ

    Hey folks... I have a request. We made a project with a good friend of us and the pairing was Coral Ghost het amel * Tessera het Anery Amel.... Now the pips start to hatch and the first one is already out. Sadly I dont have pics, coz they are at her place, so I can send pics later this...
  14. The_Saiyajin

    First tessera Babys 2012

    We also had a good morning today. Our clutch from Tessera het Anery, Amel * Whiteout het Caramel phet Anery hatched this morning. For now, there are 4 eggs open and 15 closed. 2 Amels and these two here. Better pics will follow. Greetings Chris
  15. The_Saiyajin

    Caramel Snow Motley/Striped !?Toffee?!

    Hey guys. We just got this little guy and some more amazing corns from a great friend of us and I wanted to show you a fast pic. He is definatly hom Caramel, Anery, Amel Motley het Striped. The Question is. Is there also Toffee involved? I will pair him next year to find out 100% Even if not he...