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Recent content by Walter Smith

  1. Walter Smith

    1.1 PAIR ~ 2015 ~ HELICONIA CORNS -- SOLD, THANKS !!

    ***FOR SALE*** 1.1 PAIR ~ 2015 ~ HELICONIA CORNS Heliconia Corns are corns that are the visual combine of the Specter Ghost & Salmon/Coral Ghost. This particular pair was produced by and aquired from my buddy Andy Holcomb. The line Andy works with is that of Donovan Winterberg. These are both...
  2. Walter Smith

    2010 Male & 2012 Female ~ Alabama Corn ~ (DeKalb County Locale)

    ***AVAILABLE FOR LIMTED TIME*** Will be bred here if not sold by end of brumation, Dec. 17th. 2010 Male & 2012 Female ~ Alabama Corn ~ (DeKalb County Locale) ​This adult proven breeder pair derived from a wild caught locale which is located in northeast Alabama. They are both feeding great on...
  3. Walter Smith

    2010 Femail ~ Sunkissed Hypo Corn

    ***AVAILABLE FOR LIMITED TIME*** Will be bred here if not sold by end of brumation, Dec. 17th. 2010 Female ~ Sunkissed Hypo Corn This girl is a proven breeder and is a project snake from a Miami line. ​She is feeding great on FT adult mice. ​PRICE: $200 plus shipping ~ within the US If...
  4. Walter Smith

    2011 Female ~ Caramel Corn 100% het Sunkissed Amel Stripe

    ***AVAILABLE FOR LIMITED TIME*** Will be bred here if not sold by end of brunation, Dec. 17th. 2011 Female ~ Caramel Corn 100% het Sunkissed Amel Stripe This girl is a proven breeder and is feeding great on FT adult mice. PRICE: $200 plus shipping ~ within the US If interested, please...
  5. Walter Smith

    2011 Female ~ Lava Corn 100% het Amel Anery (Snow) -- SOLD, THANKS !!

    ***AVAILABLE FOR LIMITED TIME*** Will be bred here if not sold by end of brumation, Dec. 17th 2011 Female ~ Lava Corn 100% het Amel Anery (Snow) This girl is a proven breeder and is feeding great on FT adult mice. PRICE: $150 plus shipping ~ within the US ~~ SOLD, THANKS !! If interested...
  6. Walter Smith

    2011 Male ~ Tessera Corn 100% het Lava Caramel

    ***AVAILABLE FOR LIMITED TIME*** Will be bred here if not sold by end of brumation, Dec. 17th. 2011 Male ~ Tessera Corn 100% het Lava Caramel This guy is a proven breeder ans is feeding great on FT adult mice. Use him to produce some very nice Tessera Topaz !!! PRICE: $300 plus shipping ~...
  7. Walter Smith

    2009 Male ~ Amber Stripe Corn 100% het Anery

    ***AVAILABLE FOR LIMITED TIME*** Will be bred here if not sold by end of brumation, Dec. 17th. 2009 Male ~ Amber Stripe Corn 100% het Anery This guy is a proven breeder ans is feeding great on FT adult mice. PRICE: $150 plus shipping ~ within the US If interested, please contact me by...
  8. Walter Smith

    Second 2016 PH Scaleless Clutch

    Hit on this PH clutch as well......that's 2 for 2 so far. Scaleless Motley Scaleless Tessera Scaleless Tessera Caramel + Stripe ??? Walter :crazy02:BOUT' CORNS !!
  9. Walter Smith

    First 2016 PH Scaleless Clutch

    I have a few poss het Scaleless Corns to prove out this year and this was the outcome of the first one......well, that's one down. Walter :crazy02:BOUT' CORNS !!
  10. Walter Smith


    Well no scratches really, but there are a couple dents (Kinks). Unfortunately every now and again we (breeders) hatch snakes that will have kinks, however sometimes the kinks are not that bad and do not affect the snakes normal everyday life and functions. That's where these two fall. They...
  11. Walter Smith

    1.1 (2015) Lavender W. Hognose 50% ph Albino (Coral)

    !!! FOR SALE !!! 1.1 (2015) LAVENDER HOGNOSE 50% ph ALBINO (CORAL) This pair was produced from the breeding of : W. Hognose 100% het Albino & Lavender X W. Hognose 100% het Lavender They are feeding great on unaltered TF med. sized pinky mice. PRICE: $3500 for the pair w/FREE SHIPPING within...
  12. Walter Smith


    These two males were produced from the breeding of: Rusty X Axanthic They are feeding great on TF hopper sized mice. PRICE: $75 ea. plus shipping Pics. are of 2 available males & of the parents (NFS) If interested please EMAIL me at: [email protected] Thanks, Walter
  13. Walter Smith

    Pics. of 2015 Holdbacks

    Here are pic. of some of my 2015 holdbacks. First up, a couple of Candycane Okeetees Walter :crazy02:BOUT' CORNS !!
  14. Walter Smith

    High End Outcross Okeetee Project Corns !!

    I'm offering up a 1.1 pair of (F1) 2015 outcross Okeetee project corns. They are from the breeding of: LAVA CINDER x ABBOTT OKETTEE They are feeding great on TF med. sized pinky mice. Pic 1) Breeding Parents - NFS Pic 2) Available Male Pic 3) Available Female PRICE: $250 w/FREE SHIPPING...
  15. Walter Smith

    Got two more !!!!...........

    ........Topaz Tesseras, WOOHOO !! This makes a total of 4 for me this year. Walter :crazy02:BOUT' CORNS !!