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Recent content by xStaticSnow

  1. xStaticSnow

    exo terra gecko cave

    Does anyone know if the large sized exo terra gecko caves are a good size for adult corn snakes? It's been a number of years since I've had an adult corn and having my two small snakes has skewed my perception of how large they get as adults. I got one of these caves for each of my snakes and...
  2. xStaticSnow

    my millipedes

    I picked these guys up at the expo the other day and they're super fun to watch. I've kept O. ornatus millipedes before but I found them to be far less active, they spent most of their time buried in the substrate and that species also isn't known to reproduce in captivity. These bumblebee...
  3. xStaticSnow

    Tessera Morph ID Help

    I picked up this guy at an expo today (my first ever expo, I’m so glad I found a friend to bring home with me). I was drawn to him right away because he his funky pattern but when I asked the breeder said he was just a normal tessera bred with a cool copper/brown wild type. My initial thought...
  4. xStaticSnow

    The "Pinkest" Morph?

    Recently I saw a photo of a Red Factor Snow that was just insanely pink... ever since then I can't get it out of my mind that I want to find the pinkest snake possible for my next addition. Looking at photos of morphs online is proving a little difficult because I have a suspicion some of the...
  5. xStaticSnow

    indent/hole on head scale

    I was feeding my snake today and snapping a few photos and I noticed he has a little indent on one of his head scales that's definitely new. He shed less than a week ago, and I'm wondering if maybe the indent is from him pressing his head against something right after he shed and now this...
  6. xStaticSnow

    Feeding too small of an item?

    Please forgive my rookie question, but this is my first time feeding a hatchling corn and I guess I'm feeling paranoid. I fed my 11g corn a pinky last night. The pinky was on the smaller side but definitely not a red. After feeding, the snake had a visible bulge, but nothing too large. It's been...
  7. xStaticSnow

    Dante intro and progress thread

    No matter how hard I try I just can't seem to get decent photos of my nee snake Dante, and I don't want to bother him any more than I already have, so the pictures I have will have to do for now. I'm nowhere near being finished setting-up his enclosure but it has all of the basics covered and a...
  8. xStaticSnow

    Hi again! New (Old) Member

    I originally joined this site back in 2011 when I got my first ever snake, a snow corn named Ziggy. I adopted Ziggy when he was seven years old and had him for another six and a half years before he passed away from what I presume was old age. Ziggy passed away while I was in college and I was...
  9. xStaticSnow

    Sand Boa help?

    I am having some issues with my brand new kenyan sand boa. It's my first time owning this species. I've had her for about 2 weeks. She's a younger snake and ate one frozen thawed fuzzy mouse for me last week. She is currently in a 10 gal tank with a warm side UTH at 90*F and the cool side of...
  10. xStaticSnow

    Moving Snakes to CANADA?

    So after I complete my bachelors degree in the states there is a reasonable chance that I will be moving up to Canada for my post grad degree and possibly as a permanent situation. It is likely that I will end up somewhere around Vancouver which is nice because I live fairly close and that means...
  11. xStaticSnow

    New little KSB!

    I found this little guy/girl in my local pet shop today. I don't usually buy animals from them because I don't agree with how they treat their mammals, especially their rats, but in the past year or so their reptile husbandry has improved a great deal! I'm hoping this little boa turns out to be...
  12. xStaticSnow

    My second pet addiction

    So obviously my love of reptiles has played a huge part in my life over the last 3 or 4 years, but this past year I've been sucked into the a new obsession... betta fish :rolleyes: At the moment I only have 2 bettas and 1 african dwarf frog. I actually had a very beautiful crowntail betta pass...
  13. xStaticSnow

    Managing multiple glass tanks?

    As my collection is starting to grow larger and larger (but not really large enough to justify spending big $$$ on a rack system) I'm having more and more difficulties dealing with the weight and size of all of my various glass tanks/aquariums. I definitely can see myself saving up for some...
  14. xStaticSnow

    Introducing Cobalt the Blue Tongue Skink

    This is my newest addition Cobalt. He is a 6 month old northern blue tongue skink and I love him dearly. He is still a little bit hissy in his cage, but I think he'll calm down soon. I got a great deal for him... the skink and a wonderful Vision Cage for $180. Plus we got all of his lighting...
  15. xStaticSnow

    Rosy boa with nostril blockage

    A couple weeks ago I suspected my rosy boa was developing a mild RI. He has had a RI before, about 2 years ago, and my vet told me that once they get an RI they become more susceptible to them in the future. I took him to the vet for treatment. He didn't have a lot of excess mucus, but did...