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Single scales dropping

Red sonia

New member
My 8 year old corn is suddenly dropping single scales and they seem to roll up like a burrito. What is causing this? Is the humidity too low? Or maybe too high?
Not sure if you can tell but there is a loose scale on the picture on the right


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Very odd. I've never had an animal lose individual scales that didn't also have some type of trauma. As in, nose rubbing or wounds caused by squeezing through too small of a space. Even the cases of scale rot I have seen don't look like your pictures of the individual scale pieces. The IMG_0870 looks similar to scraped scales on the dorsal ridge. Which would occur when the animal rubbed or pulled itself through a tight spot. Have you added any new cage furniture or has the animal recently escaped by popping the top of its enclosure enough to slip through? If it isn't a physical injury, I'd check the humidity. It's cheap and easy to do with a hygrometer (Amazon has lots of them to choose from). Beyond that a trip to a vet may be necessary. Or you can take the wait and see if it passed approach as long as the animal is healthy in ever other way.
As an after thought, do you have access to a microscope? I'd be curious to see what the sloughed scales look like magnified. Please keep us posted as to the outcome/progress.
Are these perhaps just scales that did not come off when your snake last shed? When the single scales fall off, do they leave behind fully formed and normally colored scales, or is there a space left behind where a scale should be?
Nothing has changed in her cage and she has not escaped to get any trauma. And she sheds well, at least one whole piece. I searched her entire body and found no trace of bare skin. As far as the vet, I live in a very small urban area and all the vets here have told me don’t even bother bringing a snake in because they want nothing to do with them.☹️ She is eating and acting the same as she always has very friendly girl. I just have never seen this before and was concerned.I will keep an eye on her and keep you all up to date if anything changes. Thank you all for your concern. I have noticed though that the scales found in her tank all seem to be belly scales.


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