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  • Graham,
    I've been absolutely drooling over the tesserae/butter pair you have for sale. I've just started my collection of yearlings and thought I could wait two years for my first breeding, hah! I can't wait, ever ;)
    If the pair is still available the first week of May and they're still available I'd love to own them!
    If not maybe you'd have another very, top shelf pair or single you'd consider letting go. Even if I miss this season acquiring a pair to condition for next season would be almost as good.
    Thanks again for your time, looking forward to those coral ghosts and pinks when you have em available.
    Yeah Daytona was ugly from a vendor's point of view this year. NARBC is in Houston AND Arlington this year. Houston is the end of Oct; Halloween weekend. You would blend right in.... I'd be tickled to see you there. I hope you can make it.
    Hey Graham! I wanted to shoot you a message while I have a computer to use. Am I still on the list for your Holloween Okeetee's? And if your coming to Daytona I can pick them up there. I was hoping for a pair but will settle for a single anything. I will be on for the next 45 minutes or so if you get this.
    Take care, Tim...
    Dude, you need to get over to Houston. I've found some bad@$$ herping spots over here and with all the rain we've been getting I've been killing it in the field. Its ridiculous how many agkistrodon you can around here and I cant wait to go up to the roads around (not in) SH State Park to look for some pygmies. Do you still have yours?
    Hi Graham, I am NOT talking to you because you are not coming to Arlington and I will miss you. Hmph!!

    I am a new member to this site but have been breeding corn morphs as a hobby for years. I was told you may possibly have a tessera or two for sale? I've been wanting one since I heard about them. Do you have any available or know of anyone who may?
    Hey Graham! Thank again to you and your sweetie for taking myself and Robbie braking....er I mean auto-herping heh heh...very cool for me really, a wild cornsnake, I wasn't really sure if they actually came from the wild heh heh!
    Hey What is up, just noticed that you live in Austin. I used to live right on Lake Travis for a few years...My gf and friends all worked at Cedar St. ever heard of it? Kyle
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